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  • henry's avatar
    fixup! Bug 31286: Implementation of bridge, proxy, and firewall settings in... · 476ca630
    henry authored and Pier Angelo Vendrame's avatar Pier Angelo Vendrame committed
    fixup! Bug 31286: Implementation of bridge, proxy, and firewall settings in about:preferences#connection
    Bug 42425: Move the accessible name of the emoji cells from the cell to
    its image child.
    NVDA only reads the text content of a cell when navigating a "table".
    Also, change the "table" in the user provide dialog to use the role
    "cell" rather than "gridcell" (the later is only meant for the "grid"
    The "Emoji" description is incorporated into the "alt" of the image
    instead. Before the description was not read out when doing screen
    reader table navigation with either Orca or NVDA.