Tor Browser Bundle 4.0.8 error on start Windows
Error message when starting up the browser.
Title of error window: "Firefox"
"Couldn't load XPCOM"
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Nevermind. Should have searched first.
Status: new to closed
Resolution: N/A to fixed - Author
Component: - Select a component to Tor Browser - Author
Webroot identity protection
Solution is in the FAQ, but it doesn't mention that you can set it to "protect" as well and it will work (and presumably provide better protection).
From the Webroot dashboard, go to Identity Protection → Application Protection and set any entries in your Tor browser directory to "protect".
Priority: blocker to normal
Status: closed to reopened
Resolution: fixed to N/A - Author
Webroot identity protection
Sponsor: N/A to N/A
Severity: N/A to Normal
Resolution: N/A to worksforme
Status: reopened to closed - Trac closed
- Trac moved from legacy/trac#15650 (moved)
moved from legacy/trac#15650 (moved)
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removed 1 deleted label