There is a Windows mechanism to lock down access to applications, called AppLocker, and Tor Browser is not compatible with some ways of managing access. We need to think about what kind of rule compatibility we want to support:
There are
publisher based rules
path based rules
filehash based rules
Trac: Description: There is a Windows mechanism to lock down access to applications and Tor Browser is not compatible with some ways of managing access. We need to think about what kind of rule compatibility we want to support:
There are
publisher based rules
path based rules
filehash based rules
There is a Windows mechanism to lock down access to applications, called AppLocker, and Tor Browser is not compatible with some ways of managing access. We need to think about what kind of rule compatibility we want to support:
There are
publisher based rules
path based rules
filehash based rules
We probably have a hard time making Tor Browser compatible with the default rules, see: while file hash based rules should work already and are the most recommended ones. The question then probably remains: should we support publisher rules and sign all the windows files (that is at least .exe, .dll)? I think so, at least in the long run.
I agree that signing all the binaries and DLLs would be ideal.
Here I've avoided the default rules and require all
binaries be signed by an approved publisher
or have a hash entry--i.e. strict whitelisting.
Allowing anything in system directories to run
is less about security and more about controlling
what applications users' can run in a managed
With signed binaries, just one EXE and one DLL
rule are required. Presently have to create two
hash rules for each TBB release, adding files from
several subdirectories. Is a fair amount of
work. Temporary installer DLLs require a rule
as well.
While whitelisting is not, as many point out,
a silver bullet against intrusion, it raises
the bar for attackers tremendously. Makes
obtaining persistence much more difficult.
Perhaps Linux signed binaries should be
supported eventually as well. Don't know
enough about it yet myself to have
an opinion.
Signing our binaries might also help with the periodic problems we have with anti-virus blocking our bins from running (but who knows there). We would need to update the signing scripts and tor-browser-build to package win bins as a zip, sign the bins, then repackage them into an installer, and then sign the installer.