Hi it would be really neat if the Tor Browser security level can be set via an environment variable so we can give Whonix users more protection by default. If this is already implemented please let me know.
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If there was a stable drop-in (.d) folder as there is /etc/firefox-esr/ for Firefox in Debian that only changes between major release upgrades (jessie -> stretch), that would be a perfect solution.
Experience tells, that the folder structure of TBB changes over time. Therefore a file based solution easily breaks after an upgrade or installation of a newer version of TBB.
Therefore, everything that can be configured by environment variable works very easy, stable and long term for Whonix.
We are thinking about shipping a(n optionally used) custom profile in the future to disable the no.proxy setting for localhost daemon access but its likely a brittle solution as TBB changes over time?
What happens to the newly added prefs in TBB proper if we use an older profile doc missing these booleans? Are the TBB ones applied as long as they are not contradicted?
I think using the prefs approach is the one you should pursue right now. Shipping an own profile with customizations won't go away in the forseeable future.
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato wontfix Status: needs_information to closed