no sound on ALSA. MediaPlayback Warning OpenCubeb failed to init cubeb
for audio playback on linux firefox needs pulseaudio
without pulseaudio firefox prints the cryptic warnings
[Child 4063, MediaPlayback #2] WARNING: 7f1413fe37c0 OpenCubeb() failed to init cubeb: file /var/tmp/build/firefox-f3a77068c185/dom/media/AudioStream.cpp, line 388
[Child 4063, MediaPlayback #2] WARNING: Decoder=7f141d749800 [OnMediaSinkAudioError]: file /var/tmp/build/firefox-f3a77068c185/dom/media/MediaDecoderStateMachine.cpp, line 3750
i would need to re-compile firefox with --enable-alsa --disable-pulseaudio in the mozconfig for native alsa support
or with --enable-jack --disable-pulseaudio for native jackaudio support
why i prefer alsa over pulseaudio? cos alsa gives lower latency and better audio video sync
pulseaudio is just too big for me
workaround: apulse
if you dont want to re-compile firefox or if firefox completely drops alsa support
then use apulse from as pulseaudio emulator on alsa its a partial implementation of the pulseaudio API which runs faster than the whole PA server
apulse needs dmix see /usr/share/apulse/asoundrc.sample and edit your /etc/asound.conf
to make torbrowser play audio to alsa
in your ~/.local/share/torbrowser/tbb//tor-browser/Browser/firefox
replace exec "
with exec apulse "
more on: firefox vs alsa
Username: needle8420