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Use moz-message-bar for the download warning

Merge Info

Related Issues



  • Immediate: patchset needed as soon as possible
  • Next Minor Stable Release: patchset that needs to be verified in nightly before backport
  • Eventually: patchset that needs to be verified in alpha before backport
  • No Backport (preferred): patchset for the next major stable

(Optional) Justification

  • Emergency security update: patchset fixes CVEs, 0-days, etc
  • Censorship event: patchset enables censorship circumvention
  • Critical bug-fix: patchset fixes a bug in core-functionality
  • Consistency: patchset which would make development easier if it were in both the alpha and release branches; developer tools, build system changes, etc
  • Sponsor required: patchset required for sponsor
  • Localization: typos and other localization changes that should be also in the release branch
  • Other: please explain


  • Merge to tor-browser - !fixups to tor-browser-specific commits, new features, security backports
  • Merge to base-browser - !fixups to base-browser-specific commits, new features to be shared with mullvad-browser, and security backports
    • NOTE: if your changeset includes patches to both base-browser and tor-browser please clearly label in the change description which commits should be cherry-picked to base-browser after merging

Issue Tracking


Request Reviewer

  • Request review from an applications developer depending on modified system:
    • NOTE: if the MR modifies multiple areas, please /cc all the relevant reviewers (since gitlab only allows 1 reviewer)
    • accessibility : henry
    • android : clairehurst, dan
    • build system : boklm
    • extensions : ma1
    • firefox internals (XUL/JS/XPCOM) : jwilde, ma1
    • fonts : pierov
    • frontend (implementation) : henry
    • frontend (review) : donuts, richard
    • localization : henry, pierov
    • macOS : clairehurst, dan
    • nightly builds : boklm
    • rebases/release-prep : dan, ma1, pierov, richard
    • security : jwilde, ma1
    • signing : boklm, richard
    • updater : pierov
    • windows : jwilde, richard
    • misc/other : pierov, richard

Change Description

We add DownloadsTorWarning.sys.mjs to manage the initialisation of the moz-message-bar in one place. A lot of it was copied and moved from browser/components/downloads/content/allDownloadsView.js.

Since this involves new strings, can we get @donuts approval before we land this? I don't want the translators to do more work than necessary.

NOTE: There is an outstanding screen reader issue with moz-message-bar, but that will be addressed as part of #43072 (closed).

In the "Library" window (Ctrl+Shift+O):

Screenshot of downloads warning in the Library window

In "about:downloads":

Screenshot of downloads warning in the downloads page

Screenshot of the downloads warning the in the download page when the window is wide

In the panel:

Screenshot of the downloads warning in the downloads panel

How Tested

In each location tested:

  • The tails link works.
  • The "Got it" button dismisses the warning.
  • Focus is properly re-assigned when the warning is hidden.
  • The warning shows again when is reset.

Merge request reports