Ensure operations that change lox credentials do not overlap.
requested to merge henry/tor-browser:lock-lox-credentials-bug-42492 into tor-browser-128.4.0esr-14.5-1
All threads resolved!
Merge Info
Related Issues
Immediate: patchset needed as soon as possible -
Next Minor Stable Release: patchset that needs to be verified in nightly before backport -
Eventually: patchset that needs to be verified in alpha before backport -
No Backport (preferred): patchset for the next major stable
(Optional) Justification
Emergency security update: patchset fixes CVEs, 0-days, etc -
Censorship event: patchset enables censorship circumvention -
Critical bug-fix: patchset fixes a bug in core-functionality -
Consistency: patchset which would make development easier if it were in both the alpha and release branches; developer tools, build system changes, etc -
Sponsor required: patchset required for sponsor -
Localization: typos and other localization changes that should be also in the release branch -
Other: please explain
Merge to tor-browser
-specific commits, new features, security backports -
Merge to base-browser
-specific commits, new features to be shared withmullvad-browser
, and security backports-
NOTE: if your changeset includes patches to both
please clearly label in the change description which commits should be cherry-picked tobase-browser
after merging
NOTE: if your changeset includes patches to both
Issue Tracking
Link resolved issues with appropriate Release Prep issue for changelog generation
Request Reviewer
Request review from an applications developer depending on modified system: -
NOTE: if the MR modifies multiple areas, please
all the relevant reviewers (since gitlab only allows 1 reviewer) - accessibility : henry
- android : clairehurst, dan
- build system : boklm
- extensions : ma1
- firefox internals (XUL/JS/XPCOM) : jwilde, ma1
- fonts : pierov
- frontend (implementation) : henry
- frontend (review) : donuts, richard
- localization : henry, pierov
- macOS : clairehurst, dan
- nightly builds : boklm
- rebases/release-prep : dan, ma1, pierov, richard
- security : jwilde, ma1
- signing : boklm, richard
- updater : pierov
- windows : jwilde, richard
- misc/other : pierov, richard
NOTE: if the MR modifies multiple areas, please
Change Description
Convert Lox.#credentials
to a Map
. Ensure that any task that changes the credentials is wrapped in #changeCredentials
, which should wait for any previous credentials task to complete.
The changes were linted in a second commit to make the first one's diff easier to read.
How Tested
Could not test the real methods because I don't have a Lox invite. I was able to spoof some task though. I added to Lox
async fakeTask(loxId, name, result, win) {
const res = await this.#changeCredentials(loxId, async cred => {
console.log("STARTING:", name, cred);
await new Promise(res => win.setTimeout(res, 5000));
console.log("COMPLETE:", name);
if (result?.constructor.name === "Error") {
throw result;
return result;
console.log("EXIT:", name, res);
You can changed lox.settings.credentials
to be {"fake1":"initial-1","fake2":"initial-2"}
, and then run in the browser terminal
const { Lox } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/Lox.sys.mjs");
doTasks = () => {
Lox.fakeTask("fake1", "task1", "cred-1-1", window);
Lox.fakeTask("fake1", "task2", null, window);
Lox.fakeTask("fake2", "taskX", "cred-2-X", window);
Lox.fakeTask("fake1", "task3", new Error("MY LOX ERROR"), window);
Lox.fakeTask("fake1", "task4", "cred-1-4", window);
setTimeout(() => {
Lox.fakeTask("fake1", "task5", "cred-1-5", window);
Lox.fakeTask("fake2", "taskY", "cred-2-Y", window)
Result is
console.log: "STARTING:" "task1" "initial-1"
console.log: "STARTING:" "taskX" "initial-2"
console.log: "COMPLETE:" "task1"
console.log: "STARTING:" "task2" "cred-1-1"
console.log: "EXIT:" "task1" "cred-1-1"
console.log: "COMPLETE:" "taskX"
console.log: "STARTING:" "taskY" "cred-2-X"
console.log: "EXIT:" "taskX" "cred-2-X"
console.log: "COMPLETE:" "task2"
console.log: "STARTING:" "task3" "cred-1-1"
console.log: "EXIT:" "task2" null
console.log: "COMPLETE:" "taskY"
console.log: "EXIT:" "taskY" "cred-2-Y"
console.log: "COMPLETE:" "task3"
console.log: "STARTING:" "task4" "cred-1-1"
JavaScript error: debugger eval code, line 6: Error: MY LOX ERROR
console.log: "COMPLETE:" "task4"
console.log: "STARTING:" "task5" "cred-1-4"
console.log: "EXIT:" "task4" "cred-1-4"
console.log: "COMPLETE:" "task5"
console.log: "EXIT:" "task5" "cred-1-5"
Edited by henry
Merge request reports
requested review from @pierov
assigned to @henry
added 2 commits
marked this merge request as draft from henry/tor-browser@075c5c3f
- Resolved by henry
added 6 commits
c9ebaa7c...8a4eb9d3 - 4 commits from branch
- 99028cbc - fixup! Lox integration
- da3ceec9 - fixup! Lox integration
c9ebaa7c...8a4eb9d3 - 4 commits from branch
marked this merge request as draft from henry/tor-browser@99028cbc
added 2 commits
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