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fixup! Bug 30237: Add v3 onion services client authentication prompt

  • strip subdomain off of onion hostname when extracting the onion service id for use with the ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_ADD command

fixes #40465 (closed)

This function receives a hostname from an onon URI. I haven't tested this end-to-end but have verified the regex works as expected with the following:

const onionServiceIdRegExp = /^(.*\.)*(?<onionServiceId>[a-z2-7]{56})\.onion$/i;
// duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad
// throws because of null due to not matching 

The 'Invalid v3 address...' error comes from the tor daemon itself (rather than Tor Browser), so it seems the original cypherpunk was spot-on in their diagnoses of the problem and this error most likely comes from the invalid arg to the ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_ADD command.

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