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Bug 41659: Add canonical color definitions to base-browser

Merge Info

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Upstream Merging

  • Merge to base-browser - typically for !fixups to patches in the base-browser branch, though sometimes new patches as well
    • NOTE: if your changeset includes patches to both base-browser and tor-browser please please make separate merge requests for each part

Issue Tracking

Change Description

This is the stable branch version of this patch set following @pierov's suggestions in the previous MR. Alpha's will be similar but not exactly the same due to moving branding to tb-* directories. Built and verified the colours are working as expected.

The general approach now is we add the photon et al colours to browser-shared.css and the per-brand css is no longer preprocessed. Finally paths are updated to reference browser-shared.css where needed (since --warning-color now lives in browse-shared.css rather than on tor-styles.css)

Edited by richard

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