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Bug 41668 (Part 3): Changes to the updater commit

Merge Info

Related Issues

Backport Timeline

  • Immediate - patchsets for critical bug fixes or other major blocker (e.g. fixes for a 0-day exploit) OR patchsets with trivial changes which do not need testing (e.g. fixes for typos or fixes easily verified in a local developer build)
  • Next Minor Stable Release - patchset that needs to be verified in nightly before backport
  • Eventually - patchset that needs to be verified in alpha before backport
  • No Backport - patchset for the next major stable

Upstream Merging

  • Merge to base-browser - typically for !fixups to patches in the base-browser branch, though sometimes new patches as well
    • NOTE: if your changeset includes patches to both base-browser and tor-browser please please make separate merge requests for each part

Issue Tracking

Change Description

This MR is made of 4 commits:

  1. changes to the updater commit that need to be definitive (e.g., update of documentation)
  2. changes to the updater that are not needed in Base Browser, but still needed in Tor Browser (e.g., the removal of the default-profile things, symlinks, etc)
  3. Restore 2. (part 1): restore everything removed in 2., but the symlinks. This will become a new commit on its own.
  4. Restore 2. (part 2): restore the symlinks part removed in 2.. We probably don't need this special treatment for symlinks anymore, and we have an issue about removing it (#34319). However, I preferred keeping it for now, so that we can remove it easily in a second moment (e.g., in 13.0/115).

The reviewer should:

  1. make sure that the MR as a whole produces a limited number of changes to Tor Browser, and that they make sense and do not break anything
  2. check 2., and see that what we remove needs indeed to be removed from Base Browser
  3. check that 4. is indeed self-contained, and that I haven't lost any pieces here and there

I think needing a few changes when we integrate in Base Browser isn't a big deal: we can fixup and revert in Tor Browser.

I think the most important thing for this MR is not to break Tor Browser.

The MR should be merged after the alpha is built.

Merge request reports