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add configuration entry to open always-on vpn settings

cyberta requested to merge always_on into main

relates to #23 (closed)

@donuts for now I haven't added an icon to the settings entry - see the screen record. Do you have any suggestions? Also Bitmask/RiseupVPN shows an alert before opening the system settings, informing about the next steps to configure always-on and the lockdown feature. While alerts might be not the sweetest UI components, I think it's good to guide users, since we have no opportunity to open the vpn profile in the system settings directly (aka. the last screen in the screenrecord that appears after you tapped on Tor VPN in Android VPN Settings). Maybe you want to consider some UX around that?


also closes #66 (closed) (which is not recorded in the video above)

Edited by cyberta

Merge request reports