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derive_builder: Use git dep everywhere, rather than cargo patch

Ian Jackson requested to merge Diziet/arti:derive-builder-git-fixup into main

The [patch] approach causes the tree not to build when used as a dependency, unless the [patch] is replicated into the depending project.

Instead, replace our derive_builer = dependencies with a reference to a specific git commit.

Note that the commitid has changed. This is because derive_builder is in fact a workspace of 4 crates. 3 of them are of interest to arti itself (the 4th exists only for testing). So the same "add git revision" treatment had to be done to the derive_builder and derive_builder_macro crates. Each dependency edge involves a new commit in the derive_builder workspace, since we can't create a git commit containing its own commitid. (We want to use commits, rather than a branch, so that what we are depending on is actually properly defined, and not subject to the whims of my personal github namespace.)

There are no actual code changes in derive_builder. (But an effect of dropping the [patch] is that now crates other than our crates get vanilla derive_builder, so now we have two in our dependency graph.)

Updated: I had contrived to make it build for me despite having botched the dependency updates. Fixed now, and now there is only one derive_builder version.

cc @dgoulet

Edited by Ian Jackson

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