Installing tor the 2nd time in a row gives tons of these warnings :
Sep 24 23:00:53.000 [warn] router info incompatible with extra info (ri id: 000149E6EF7102AACA9690D6E8DD2932124B94AB, ei id 000149E6EF7102AACA9690D6E8DD2932124B94AB, reason: Extrainfo digest did not match digest256 from routerdesc)...
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Hm. This should probably get downgraded if it's happening from cache. My guess would be that it happens when you already downloaded a bunch of new ris but haven't gotten the corresponding eis yet.
Please see my branch bug17150_027 for a possible fix (against 0.2.7) and an explanation of the bug.
My branch bug17150_027_extra has an extra fix on top of that branch which makes this error non-repeatable. I suggest that we don't take that extra fix into 0.2.7 (if we backport).
Note that in one of the commits (8acfac73) I chose to duplicate a field instead of moving it, to avoid conflicts with numerous dirauth fixes in 0.2.8 and beyond. The commit message discusses more.
Trac: Status: new to needs_review Keywords: must-fix-before-028-rc deleted, must-fix-before-028-rc 027-backport added
The code in both of these branches looks good.
bug17150_027_extra passes the unit tests and make test-network-all.
Just one more thing that needs to be done:
"I should open another ticket about removing the field from routerinfo_t and extrainfo_t later on."
While I can see why we'd want to backport this to 0.2.7, is it a security bug?
Will weasel take it in the tor debian package?
If not, it's only worth backporting to 0.2.8.