Once all dirauth move to 029, the consensus will have a shared random value regurlarly. Having a way to get that value through the control port would be useful for many purposes including people wanting to use that value outside of tor.
I recommend we implement that only in 030 so we'll have a full stable version to debug and make sure it actually works properly before we expose it to a wider audience.
This ticket is the main one for both the spec and implementation.
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Trac: Status: new to accepted Summary: sr: Control event to get the shared random values to SR: Control event to get the shared random values Keywords: spec, dirauth, control, sr deleted, tor-sr, controller, tor-spec added Owner: N/Ato dgoulet
Took a stab at this. I went dead simple here, the main purpose is to expose the value straight away thus I didn't put some key/values for the number of participants or algorithm or version.
Spec: ticket19925_01
Code: ticket19925_030_01
On the control port:
GETINFO sr/current250-sr/current=uvk8oUuHKnynlJ1CnkzLxHcICy6wxtsTnOPh5uGoqgY=250 OKGETINFO sr/previous250-sr/previous=rU+4HJZGBi07ei4TvaXbExvZvxmnoTz00Xa2i9CcFt4=250 OK
The basic idea looks reasonable. Why not also expose the number of participants and protocol version? If these are important things to put in the consensus, we should also expose them to users of control port.
Also, I suggest we move this to 0.3.1. I don't think we should put extra code/design/review work for 0.3.0.
The basic idea looks reasonable. Why not also expose the number of participants and protocol version? If these are important things to put in the consensus, we should also expose them to users of control port.
We can and we should at some point. Your point below is why I want dead simple at first. The main use case for this will be for third part app. to use the SR and get it easily instead of grep parsing the consensus.
I can see something like this as future addition. Actually, it would be trivial to add this:
GETINFO sr/current/num-reveals250-sr/current/num-reveals=8250 OK
Also, I suggest we move this to 0.3.1. I don't think we should put extra code/design/review work for 0.3.0.
My counter argument here is that SR went in 029 and 030 is the version you can get access to it through the control port. Putting that in 031 means another 8 months... This isn't a big change to the spec and code, I think we can pull it off? Feature freeze for 030 is in 21 days so we still have time in theory. :)