Add 'GETINFO ip-to-country/available'
Hi Nick. Very minor ask but if we had a 'GETINFO ip-to-country/available' option to determine if tor has a geoip database available that would simplify Stem a bit. Stem tracks 'is the geoip database available' so it can avoid 'GETINFO ip-to-country/*' requests that are doomed to fail anyway.
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- Damian Johnson changed milestone to %Tor: 0.3.2.x-final in legacy/trac
changed milestone to %Tor: 0.3.2.x-final in legacy/trac
- Damian Johnson added actualpoints::.1 in Legacy / Trac component::core tor/tor in Legacy / Trac easy in Legacy / Trac milestone::Tor: 0.3.2.x-final in Legacy / Trac owner::nickm in Legacy / Trac priority::low in Legacy / Trac resolution::implemented in Legacy / Trac review-group-23 in Legacy / Trac reviewer::dgoulet in Legacy / Trac severity::minor in Legacy / Trac status::closed in Legacy / Trac tor-control in Legacy / Trac type::enhancement in Legacy / Trac labels
added actualpoints::.1 in Legacy / Trac component::core tor/tor in Legacy / Trac easy in Legacy / Trac milestone::Tor: 0.3.2.x-final in Legacy / Trac owner::nickm in Legacy / Trac priority::low in Legacy / Trac resolution::implemented in Legacy / Trac review-group-23 in Legacy / Trac reviewer::dgoulet in Legacy / Trac severity::minor in Legacy / Trac status::closed in Legacy / Trac tor-control in Legacy / Trac type::enhancement in Legacy / Trac labels
- Owner
Yes, we should totally do this. Anybody have a moment, or should I take it on?
- Owner
in my public repository; corresponding torspec patch infeature23237_spec
Actualpoints: N/A to .1 - Owner
Owner: N/A to nickm
Status: new to accepted - Owner
Status: accepted to needs_review - Author
Thanks Nick! Spec change looks good to me.
- Owner
Put 0.3.2 needs_review and merge_ready tickets into review-group-23.
Keywords: easy tor-control deleted, tor-control, easy, review-group-23 added - Owner
Reviewer: N/A to dgoulet
Status: needs_review to merge_ready - Owner
Status: merge_ready to closed
Resolution: N/A to implemented - Trac closed
- Trac added 48m of time spent
added 48m of time spent
- Trac moved from legacy/trac#23237 (moved)
moved from legacy/trac#23237 (moved)
- Trac added Feature First Contribution labels and removed 1 deleted label
added Feature First Contribution labels and removed 1 deleted label
- Trac added Control API label and removed 1 deleted label
added Control API label and removed 1 deleted label