Valid onion addresses contain 16 characters in a-z2-7 plus ".onion", and valid auth cookies contain 22 characters in A-Za-z0-9+/.
The regex for the HidServAuth cookie was valuable information to validate setups when I was with SecureDrop and we were using stealth authentication. (looking forward to seeing that land in v3, btw)
Just dropping by to mention that not all combinations of 56-characters long strings of base 32 text are valid v3 onions.
So you can know that it definitely is NOT an onion service name if it doesn't match a simple regex. But you can't know if it definitely IS an onion service name with just regex.
Put simply, a v3 onion address is (1) a 32-byte (not bit) public key, (2) a checksum, and (3) a version all encoded together (in that order) in base32. The version is always 3 (or 'd' in base32), thus they always end in 'd'. In addition, the checksum must work out.
The manual is generated from the tor source repository at tor/doc/tor.1.txt.
Then it's placed on the website.
Would you like to create a patch?
Otherwise, someone else will get to it eventually.
Trac: Description: We have regexes for v1:
and v2:
What do the new addresses look like, do they have the same characters and just 56 of them? This should be in the manual.
We have regexes for v1 v3:
where the last digit is always "d".
and v2:
What do the new addresses look like, do they have the same characters and just 56 of them? This should be in the manual, which says:
Valid onion addresses contain 16 characters in a-z2-7 plus ".onion", and valid auth cookies contain 22 characters in A-Za-z0-9+/.
Summary: Publish regex for v3 hidden services to Summarise the format of v3 hidden service addresses in the Tor man page Type: enhancement to defect Keywords: regex, hidden services, v3, next-generation deleted, prop224, tor-doc, tor-hs added Milestone: N/Ato Tor: 0.3.4.x-final Version: Tor: unspecified to Tor: Component: Webpages to Core Tor/Tor Points: N/Ato 0.1