Update outdated documentation note for "bridge-distribution"
Tor's man page currently documents the BridgeDistribution
option as:
BridgeDistribution string
If set along with BridgeRelay, Tor will include a new line in its bridge descriptor which indicates to the BridgeDB service how it would
like its bridge address to be given out. Set it to "none" if you want BridgeDB to avoid distributing your bridge address, or "any" to let
BridgeDB decide. (Default: any)
Note: as of Oct 2017, the BridgeDB part of this option is not yet implemented. Until BridgeDB is updated to obey this option, your bridge
will make this request, but it will not (yet) be obeyed.
Similarly, dir-spec.txt says about bridge-distribution-request
All bridges SHOULD include this line. Non-bridges MUST NOT include
it. (It is currently ignored by Bridge DB.)
BridgeDB however implements this option since 0.5.0, see legacy/trac#23957 (moved). I'll push a fix for these issues in a second.