We have encountered a small issue with onionbalance viability for v3s.
While the descriptor cross-certificates are no longer an issue (legacy/trac#29583 (moved)), there is an issue with the ntor handshake during the INTRODUCE1/INTRODUCE2 handshake between the client and service.
In particular, as specified in rend-spec-v3.txt [NTOR-WITH-EXTRA-DATA] the subcredential (which includes the onion address) is used as part of the ntor key material to generate end-to-end encryption keys and MAC keys so that the service can communicate with the client:
To make an INTRODUCE1 cell, the client must know a public encryption key B for the hidden service on this introduction circuit. The client generates a single-use keypair: x,X = KEYGEN() and computes: intro_secret_hs_input = EXP(B,x) | AUTH_KEY | X | B | PROTOID info = m_hsexpand | subcredential hs_keys = KDF(intro_secret_hs_input | t_hsenc | info, S_KEY_LEN+MAC_LEN) ENC_KEY = hs_keys[0:S_KEY_LEN] MAC_KEY = hs_keys[S_KEY_LEN:S_KEY_LEN+MAC_KEY_LEN]
The issue here is that when the client prepares the INTRO1 cell, it uses the subcredential of the frontend OBv3 service, but the INTRO2 cell actually goes to a backend OBv3 instance which has a different subcredential. This causes the backend instance to not be able to verify the MAC of the cell, and generally finish the ntor handshake....
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The suggested approach here is to introduce a torrc option for the OB instances HiddenServiceOnionbalanceFrontendConfigFile that points to a file which contains info about the OB frontend. In particular, it will contain (a number of) FrontendOnionAddress which is the onion address of the frontend, and can be used to decrypt and finish the ntor handshake with the client.
It's still not decided if we should allow the instances with that configured to also be accessed over their regular instance onion or not.
I will be working on this and hopefully have something before the end of week. Unittests might be hard to do.
this looks really good. I actually tested this (and after fixing a few issues) I managed to connect to the backend service and exchange data over an onionbalance descriptor! That's a first!
I pointed a few issues on GH. The main ones is an off-topic assertion failure on the logging subsystem, and the more important one is something weird going on with the hs_cell_parse_introduce2 data structure and client_pk gets wiped when it shouldn't. I fixed both of those issues quickly for testing but we need to fix them well. Ah, also the time period iteration feature is missing, and I made a comment to that effect.
Other than that, it looks good, plus it needs changes file and man page entry. Also, a unittest for the config parsing wouldn't be bad if possible.
OK did a review on the branch and posted on the PR. Been testing it on OBv3 the past few hours and it works just fine!
As discussed with David, I also wrote a spec branch documenting and analyzing the behavior introduced by this code: https://github.com/asn-d6/torspec/tree/bug32709 Please let me know if something is missing and should be added.
Okay, reading through it all again. I'll make comments in the PR, but here are some higher-level questions.
Does it really make sense to compute the subcredential for three time periods? It seems to me that we are never close to more than two periods. Maybe we should calculate the subcredentials for "now" and "the closest period other than now".
The performance here is going to be needlessly bad. Keep in mind that every time we call hs_ntor_client_get_introduce1_keys(), we're doing a curve25519 calculation... but the curve25519 calculation will be the same here every time! The only input that changes is the subcredential, which is an input only to the XOF() part of the process. This could be a followup branch, I guess, though.
We should think about timing side channels here. This could also be a followup, however.
Test coverage on these changes should really be higher.
We talked about this on IRC; here's the current plan as I understand it.
We're going to aim this ticket for 0.4.4, since doing it properly will require more time than we have for 0.4.3. We'll plan to open the merge window for 0.4.4 early, for this sponsor only.
Between today and next Wednsday or so, I'll do a branch based on this one that will:
a) turn subcredential into a proper type
b) implement a constant-time multi-subcredential backend solution for items 2 and 3 above, on top of this branch.
c) refactor config_service_v3() a little
After that, for minimal viable product, we need:
d) improved test coverage,
e) to stop recomputing the subcredentials for every request
Later on, we can make these improvements:
f) compute fewer subcredentials