/** Lowest consensus method where microdescs may include a "p6" line. */#define MIN_METHOD_FOR_P6_LINES 15/** Lowest consensus method where microdescs may include an onion-key-ntor * line */#define MIN_METHOD_FOR_NTOR_KEY 16
Looks like dir auths recently started supporting consensus methods 15 and 16, but there's nothing in dir-spec.txt.
Remember the workflow for proposals becoming implemented: First the proposal is Accepted, then we implement it and it becomes Finished, and then we integrate it into the specification and the proposal becomes Closed. It is a consequence of this process that the specifications are only a complete description of the latest Tor when amended with all proposals currently in state Finished.
That said, I'm leaving this open as a reminder to integrate the above-mentioned proposals into the specification.
16 is documented in the in-review branch "document-ntor" (see legacy/trac#8122 (moved)). But 17 came into being. So, we should do that too.
Trac: Summary: Consensus methods 15 and 16 are undocumented to Consensus methods 15 through 17 are undocumented Owner: N/Ato nickm Status: new to accepted
It looks like the statement "All numeric values are encoded in network (big-endian) order" in section 0.1 wasn't explicit enough in what it covered. I've tried to make it more clear in b0cf07d3d81, and to clarify this explicit case.