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Conflux (Proposal 329) Implementation

Mike Perry requested to merge mikeperry/tor:conflux_mr into main

This merge request contains an implementation of Proposal 329 for C-Tor. The implementation is functional, and has been verified to work in Shadow. Specific algorithm choice and tuning for the desired UX strategy is not yet complete, and will be done in a future MR. Onion service support is also specified, but not implemented. (We will not be implementing onion service support in C-Tor).

The updated version of Prop#329 that matches the code in this MR is at The MR for that branch's updates is at torspec!123 (merged).

One of the most important things to check here is that the specification matches the code, so that Conflux is easier to implement for Arti.

This MR also contains two bug fixes for pre-existing C-Tor bugs, which we found while testing Conflux. These are the last two commits in the MR. They could be backported to 0.4.7, if we want.

Merge request reports