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### O1: Keep RACE (sponsor 28) happy with Tor
- November PI meeting and presentation
- October ECP presentation
- October, frame and pitch the follow-on projects
- November PI meeting and presentation; October ECP presentation; October, frame and pitch the follow-on projects
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ All three presentations done and successful. Slides are published in https://gitlab.torproject.org/ahf/onion-tex/-/tree/main/src/pandoc/arma-internet-freedom-2022
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- Darpa Forward panel
- FOCI organizing
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ PETS, Defcon, and Darpa Forward panel all happened and went well. FOCI is on track to attach itself to PETS next summer for its first in-person event since pre-covid.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ PETS, Defcon, and Darpa Forward panel all happened and went well. I organized and created a new steering committee for FOCI, and it is on track to attach itself to PETS next summer for its first in-person event since pre-covid.
### O3: Tor's Core Contributors feel appreciated
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* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ Done, as documented in this internal TPA ticket: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/40441. We will expire 15 ldap accounts and let their email address expire too; and we will expire 15 more ldap accounts and replace them with a forwarding alias.
- do a round of core contributor membership review
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: yellow.}}`$ Not yet done.
- start revamping the Core Contributor nomination process
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: yellow.}}`$ Not yet done. I hope to start a tor-internal@ thread proposing the new process described in the meeting notes above.
### O4: glue, community, infrastructure
- mailing list moderation
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: red.}}`$ I actually stopped looking at any of the mailman moderation mails when moria had its hardware troubles in October, and haven't looked back.
- irc organization, moderation, access control
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I went through to make sure our irc channels are unified in their access control and settings. So far so good.
- anti-censorship tor patches
- Obfs4 bridges should be able to disable their ORPort (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/7349)
- Teach Tor to only contact the first n bridges in the list (
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### O5: items dragged forward from q1q2:
- moria reinstall
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ It has new hardware running a modern operating system.
- dusk key delivery
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I did the rendezvous at the end of September.
## Q1-Q2 2022 OKRs
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