# Roger's roadmap
## Q3-Q4 2022 priorities
### O1: Keep RACE (sponsor 28) happy with Tor
- November PI meeting
- and an ECP presentation
- and frame and pitch the follow-on projects
- Publish art one of bridge distribution strategy document; and start in on part two
### O2: Participate in external outreach
- PETS: organizing, reviewing, attending
- Defcon talk and booth
- Darpa Forward panel
- FOCI organizing
### O3: Tor's Core Contributors feel appreciated
- Core Contributor session in Limerick
- reach out to people about whether they still need their LDAP accounts
- do a round of core contributor membership review
- start revamping the Core Contributor nomination process
### O4: glue, community, infrastructure
- mailing list moderation
- network health tor patches
- anti-censorship tor patches
- employee/contractor copyright expectations
- network measurement tools, e.g. bermuda mods
- follow along better via funder reports
### O5: items dragged forward from q1q2:
- moria reinstall
- dusk key delivery
## Q1-Q2 2022 OKRs
### O1: RACE (sponsor 28) is happy with Tor
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