# Roger's roadmap
## 2024 Objectives
O1, Outreach: increase *awareness* and *appreciation* for Tor, with a focus on *existential threats* i.e. things that could make it hard for Tor to exist or succeed in the coming years.
O2, Community: grow, support, and empower *participation* in Tor.
O3, Sponsors: Help with funded projects and be a resource for Tor teams in accomplishing their goals.
## 2024 Roadmap
### January:
- Followups from the CCC talk and meetings [O1]
- Update / followups on the EFF university campaign [O1]
- Connect to more NRENs (SUNET and DEIC) [O2]
- Craft a projected 2024 roadmap
### February:
- Understand recent Tor directory consensus instabilities [O2/O3]
- Anonbib: either refresh it or scale it down [O1/O2] (deferred until GeKo finishes port to python3)
- Guest lecture, NYU [O1/O2]
- Support FOCI 2024 online event [O1/O2]
### March:
- Lead OSIRIS cybersecurity club hacknight [O1/O2]
- Tor research safety board retrospective / refresh [O2]
- Defcon technical proposal coalition-building [O1]
- Defcon policy proposal coalition-building [O1]
- Australia, AISA keynote [O1]
### April:
- Vietnam, Fossasia talk [O1]
- Lisbon, SINFO keynote [O1]
- Organize and submit defcon proposal(s) [O1]
### May:
- Lisbon, Tor dev mtg [O2/O3]
- Prep for TNC workshop [O1/O2]
### June:
- France, TNC session with Switch [O1/O2]
### July:
- England, FOCI: attend, talk to researchers. [O1]
- England, PETS: attend, talk to researchers. [O1]
- England, FOCI/PETS: advocate relays to professors. [O2]
### August:
- Las Vegas, Defcon: finish prep, do talk(s). [O1]
- Las Vegas, Defcon: help at booth. [O3]
- Philadelphia, SOUPS / Usenix Security: talk to researchers [O2]
### September:
### October:
- CCC proposal coalition-building [O1/O2]
### November:
- Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) [O1/O2]
### December:
- Hamburg, 38c3: do talk? [O1]
- Hamburg, 38c3: help relay operator meetups? [O2]
## 2023 Roadmap
### April:
- Indiana University Cybersecurity-and-Global-Policy Seminar. [O1]
- RACE censorship meeting and PI meeting presentation. [O1/O3]
- Tor All Hands: run core contributor session and EFF campaign
session, help with relay community policies session and directory
authority session. [O2/O3]
- EFF campaign: finish first full roadmap, start getting consensus
among stakeholders, make a gitlab ticket so others can follow
progress. [O2]
- Defcon main-track proposal: build a coalition, craft submission,
submit it. [O1]
### May:
- Iran Cyber Dialogues: attend, facilitate session, build allies. [O1]
- Defcon main-track proposal: revise and shepherd. [O1]
### June:
- Defcon policy-track proposal: revise and submit. [O1]
- EFF campaign: Identify universities that should participate at
campaign launch, work with them to understand their constraints
and concerns, persuade them to join. [O2]
### July:
- FOCI: attend, talk to researchers. [O1]
- PETS: attend, talk to researchers. [O1]
- FOCI/PETS: advocate relays to professors. [O2]
- Anti-censorship team meetup post-PETS. [O3]
- Help Gus and Geko to collect, complete, sort, and triage network
health proposals (S112): read proposals. [O3]
- EFF campaign: refine advocacy documents, get community feedback. [O2]
- Defcon: Coordinate session(s) with co-speakers, prepare content. [O1]
### August:
- SOUPS / Usenix Security: attend briefly since I'll be nearby. [O1]
- Defcon: finish prep, speak at main-track and at policy-track. [O1]
- Defcon: help at booth. [O3]
- EFF campaign: Launch the campaign site. [O2]
### September:
- EFF campaign: actively run and progress campaign (#67). [O2]
- Internet Governance Forum: reach out to my policy contacts to
let them know we're coming, invite to our sessions, discover
meetings we should be in. [O1]
- Help Gus and Geko to collect, complete, sort, and triage network
health proposals (S112): provide feedback, community and historical
perspectives, and advice. [O3]
### October:
- EFF campaign: actively run and progress campaign (#67). [O2]
- // EFF campaign: organize an OONI training to crowdsource Tor
// technical reachability measurements at universities. [O2]
- Internet Governance Forum: attend, network, speak at session(s). [O1]
- Assist Micah Sherr and Rob Jansen with the RACE final report. [O3]
### November:
- EFF campaign: Build coalition for, write, and submit session proposal
for TNC (#40054) [O1, O2]
- // Help Gus and Raya plan the early-2024 trainers event. [O3]
- Prepare for next Iran Cyber Dialogues event. [O1]
- Organize support portal hackathon. [O1, O2]
- Coordinate / write / submit talk proposal for 37C3 (#40051) [O1, O2]
- Teach guest Tor lecture at NYU. [O1, O2]
### December:
- EFF campaign: Publish a status update. (#67). [O2]
- Coordinate and host community State-of-the-Onion virtual panel. [O1, O2]
- Do a 'core contributor' membership audit (last iteration was late 2021) [O2]
- Write and give lecture at 37C3; attend meetups there (#40051) [O1, O2]
### Stretch goals that would be nice to fit in to 2023 but that realistically might get crowded out when something else catches on fire, so I am listing them here so they don't get forgotten but I am not putting them on the 2023 roadmap:
* Bermuda work: Bad-relay monitoring and tooling to help the network
health team (S112). Maintain bermuda, and implement requested new
features. [O3]
* License mapping: Internal free software license mapping, audit,
and decision tree. [O2]
* Core Contributor support: Help assess and reform our "core contributor"
idea. Either help keep it moving forward or help change it. Maybe, do
another 'core contributor' membership iteration, to remove the people who
have gone away in the past couple of years (last iteration was Sep/Oct 2021) [O2]
* AnonBib refresh: Update anonbib with 2021-2023 papers. Introduce best
ones to Pavel and comms@ so we can highlight them to our community,
reward people doing useful Tor research, and have proactive and positive
news to tell our audiences. [O1/O2]
* Sign up to do Tor presentations at FBI/DoJ/DEA/etc events. [O1]
## Q3-Q4 2022 priorities
### O1: Keep RACE (sponsor 28) happy with Tor
- November PI meeting and presentation; October ECP presentation; October, frame and pitch the follow-on projects
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ All three presentations done and successful. Slides are published in https://gitlab.torproject.org/ahf/onion-tex/-/tree/main/src/pandoc/arma-internet-freedom-2022
- Publish part one of bridge distribution strategy document; and start in on part two
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ The core outline for the document is in place, as summarized in the Defcon talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlZZQYLIXe8) and slides (https://gitlab.torproject.org/ahf/onion-tex/-/tree/main/src/pandoc/arma-defcon-2022 slides 68-84) and then refined in the October ECP and pitch presentations above, and also in new tickets like https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/censorship-analysis/-/issues/40035 and its children. Remaining is to put all the words in one place and make them flow well. There will probably not need to be a 'part two' here since Lox is filling that role.
### O2: Participate in external outreach
- PETS: organizing, reviewing, attending
- Defcon talk and booth
- Darpa Forward panel
- FOCI organizing
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: all green.}}`$ PETS, Defcon, and Darpa Forward panel all happened and went well. I organized and created a new steering committee for FOCI, and it is on track to attach itself to PETS next summer for its first in-person event since pre-covid.
### O3: Tor's Core Contributors feel appreciated
- Core Contributor session in Limerick
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ The session happened, and notes are here: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/team/-/wikis/202209MeetingCoreContributors
- reach out to people about whether they still need their LDAP accounts
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ Done, as documented in this internal TPA ticket: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/40441. We will expire 15 ldap accounts and let their email address expire too; and we will expire 15 more ldap accounts and replace them with a forwarding alias.
- do a round of core contributor membership review
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ I made an updated list of current Core Contributors and sent it out, but it is increasingly unclear if the current core contributor idea that we have is working, so it doesn't feel best to just keep plowing ahead with a process not many people are on-board for.
- start revamping the Core Contributor nomination process
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ The notes from the Limerick session above propose a new process, but we don't have buy-in from many people for it yet. Next step, have a session in Costa Rica and see if we want to do more serious changes.
### O4: glue, community, infrastructure
More urgent:
- network health / network team: get moria1 back to being based on git main (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40622)
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ Done: moria1 now runs on the moria1-048 branch. I may still need to apply emergency defenses since currently neither git main nor moria1-048 has any DirPort-level DDoS defenses; we will see.
Less urgent:
- mailing list moderation
* $`\textcolor{red}{\text{Outcome: red.}}`$ I actually stopped looking at any of the mailman moderation mails when moria had its hardware troubles in October, and haven't looked back.
- irc organization, moderation, access control
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I went through to make sure our irc channels are unified in their access control and settings. So far so good.
- anti-censorship tor patches: Teach Tor to only contact the first n bridges in the list (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40578)
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ This new feature became urgent from the anti-censorship team's perspective as we deployed our second Snowflake server, so I implemented it. The branch is still awaiting review from the network team.
- anti-censorship tor patches: Obfs4 bridges should be able to disable their ORPort (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/7349)
- community: relays-at-universities campaign with EFF
- TPA: employee/contractor copyright expectations (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/team/-/issues/74)
- network health: measurement tools, e.g. bermuda mods
- network health: hs pow work (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40634)
- money machine: follow along better via funder reports
- network team / onion services team: provide onion services clue as needed
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ These lower-priority items each got some attention. Some of them are going to forever be ongoing (like responding to Bermuda feature requests), and others of them have a clear resolution point but they are not there yet.
### O5: items dragged forward from q1q2:
- moria reinstall
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ It has new hardware running a modern operating system.
- dusk key delivery
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I did the rendezvous at the end of September.
## Q1-Q2 2022 OKRs
### O1: RACE (sponsor 28) is happy with Tor
KR1: (minimal result) We have a good bullet-point outline of all the topics and components that need to be considered for Salmon.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ We have a list of building blocks and milestones in the Defcon talk submission text.
KR2: (better result) Each piece of this outline is fleshed out in enough detail that it provides a coherent narrative and helps the reader understand missing or unsolved pieces.
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ I have an in-progress draft (at https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/censorship-analysis/-/issues/40011) but work on it will bleed into q3q4.
KR3: We completed every requested presentation.
* Funder learned more details about Tor activities (March site visit).
* Other groups funded alongside us learned about our tech transition wishlist and our internet freedom funding landscape experience (April presentation).
* Funder understood and appreciates the above Salmon topics (April ECP presentation).
* Tor presented at PI meeting about RACE work since December (May presentation).
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ All presentations done and the funder remains impressed.
KR4: Money machine is well prepared to contract-manage the s28 contract.
* We successfully handed off report management, and presentation info gathering, to Gaba and Bekeela.
* We coordinated with Gaba whenever there were new task requests from sponsor.
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ Some hand-off happened, but I bet more hand-off with the grants team would be better. Nothing has exploded in any case, which is a start.
### O2: The Tor network still functions
KR1: upgrade moria1's hardware and OS, and get sbws running on it.
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ We have new hardware for moria, but it is not yet installed and we are waiting patiently at the mercy of the hosting volunteer.
KR2: We have noticed and handled every catastrophic attack/stability issue on the network.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ There were DDoS attacks, Sybil attacks, and other issues, and the network still functions.
KR3: I have been active in each relay operator meetup.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I helped to run virtual relay operator meetups Feb 5, Mar 5, Apr 2, May 21, June 25.
KR4: The bad-relays team has consistently received Bermuda (bad exit test) results.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ The network health team has their own Bermuda deployment now, coordinated by DrWhax/dgoulet/geko.
### O3: PETS 2022 is successful
KR1: My PETS research paper assignments got reviewed and have a decision.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I reviewed 2 papers for issue 2022.4 (q1), and 2 papers for issue 2023.1 (q2).
KR2: PETS is on track to have diverse attendees because stipends got allocated well.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ We got dozens of good people to PETS in person, through grants from Ford Foundation and NSF.
KR3: PETS has a publisher for its research papers in 2022 and beyond.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ PETS has decided to self-publish starting around the end of this q1q2 period. That is, we have abandoned the previous publisher and chosen to not replace them.
### O4: Our external relationships feel appreciated
KR1: PleasrDAO received the dusk v2 onion key.
* $`\textcolor{red}{\text{Outcome: red.}}`$ I reached out a few times to PleasrDAO people but haven't made a good connection. In June I talked briefly to ixshells and she was going to connect me to somebody in NYC but I dropped the ball.
KR2: I submitted a detailed outline for a Defcon talk (April).
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ Talk got submitted and accepted.
KR3: Ola's trial had a Tor expert witness (January, May).
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ In May I finally got a chance to contribute as an expert witness to Ola's trial. Tor and others tweeted about it.
KR4: I networked with security researchers at the NSF PI meeting (June).
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I attended the meeting and used the opportunity to talk to professors who are doing Tor research, and to generally remind people that Tor is still around. One highlight is that the main ethics panel at the conference referenced the Tor Research Safety Board.
KR5: I helped shepherd the twitter onion address to go public and work.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ The twitter onion address is live, and it sets the Onion-Location meta equiv tag.
## Foreshadowing my Q3 2022 topics:
* Do some of the hard little-t-tor anti-censorship and dir-auth user-oriented improvements that we've been wanting forever
* anti-censorship: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/16844, https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/7349
* dir-auth: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/19162, https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40395
* Outreach (do PETS, Defcon talk, UE talk)
* Internal community: check in with each core contributor
* Continue most of the Q2 topics
## Helpful links
# Roger's roadmap
## 2024 Objectives
O1, Outreach: increase *awareness* and *appreciation* for Tor, with a focus on *existential threats* i.e. things that could make it hard for Tor to exist or succeed in the coming years.
O2, Community: grow, support, and empower *participation* in Tor.
O3, Sponsors: Help with funded projects and be a resource for Tor teams in accomplishing their goals.
## 2024 Roadmap
### January:
- Followups from the CCC talk and meetings [O1]
- Update / followups on the EFF university campaign [O1]
- Connect to more NRENs (SUNET and DEIC) [O2]
- Craft a projected 2024 roadmap
### February:
- Understand recent Tor directory consensus instabilities [O2/O3]
- Anonbib: either refresh it or scale it down [O1/O2] (deferred until GeKo finishes port to python3)
- Guest lecture, NYU [O1/O2]
- Support FOCI 2024 online event [O1/O2]
### March:
- Lead OSIRIS cybersecurity club hacknight [O1/O2]
- Tor research safety board retrospective / refresh [O2]
- Defcon technical proposal coalition-building [O1]
- Defcon policy proposal coalition-building [O1]
- Australia, AISA keynote [O1]
- [New] Work on Defcon policy paper
- [New] Publish an update on the EFF university relay campaign
### April:
- Vietnam, Fossasia talk [O1]
- Lisbon, SINFO keynote [O1]
- Organize and submit defcon proposal(s) [O1]
- [New] Write letter of recommendation for Maria's Berkman fellowship
- [New] Work with Micah on how Tor should handle open software/doc licenses
### May:
- Lisbon, Tor dev mtg [O2/O3]
- Prep for TNC workshop [O1/O2]
### June:
- France, TNC session with Switch [O1/O2]
- [New] Participate in two Rightscon submissions
- [New] Talk to pleasrdao about their joint publicity ideas
- [New] PETS paper reviews
### July:
- England, FOCI: attend, talk to researchers. [O1]
- England, PETS: attend, talk to researchers. [O1]
- England, FOCI/PETS: advocate relays to professors. [O2]
### August:
- Las Vegas, Defcon: finish prep, do talk(s). [O1]
- Las Vegas, Defcon: help at booth. [O3]
- Philadelphia, SOUPS / Usenix Security: talk to researchers [O2]
- [New] Sign up to the Linux Foundation's grand challenge advisory committee, with periodic meetings
### September:
- [New] Publish an update on the EFF university relay campaign
### October:
- CCC proposal coalition-building [O1/O2]
### November:
- ~~Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) [O1/O2]~~
- [New] Present at cypherpunks workshop at Devcon
- [New] Do keynote at Devcon
- [New] Write/coordinate "directory authority expectations" policy document
### December:
- ~~Hamburg, 38c3: do talk? [O1]~~
- ~~Hamburg, 38c3: help relay operator meetups? [O2]~~
- [New] Usenix paper reviews
- [New] PETS paper reviews
- [New] Organize KAIST/Rightscon/FOSSASIA/Cloudfest/ASU logistics
## 2023 Roadmap
### April:
- Indiana University Cybersecurity-and-Global-Policy Seminar. [O1]
- RACE censorship meeting and PI meeting presentation. [O1/O3]
- Tor All Hands: run core contributor session and EFF campaign
session, help with relay community policies session and directory
authority session. [O2/O3]
- EFF campaign: finish first full roadmap, start getting consensus
among stakeholders, make a gitlab ticket so others can follow
progress. [O2]
- Defcon main-track proposal: build a coalition, craft submission,
submit it. [O1]
### May:
- Iran Cyber Dialogues: attend, facilitate session, build allies. [O1]
- Defcon main-track proposal: revise and shepherd. [O1]
### June:
- Defcon policy-track proposal: revise and submit. [O1]
- EFF campaign: Identify universities that should participate at
campaign launch, work with them to understand their constraints
and concerns, persuade them to join. [O2]
### July:
- FOCI: attend, talk to researchers. [O1]
- PETS: attend, talk to researchers. [O1]
- FOCI/PETS: advocate relays to professors. [O2]
- Anti-censorship team meetup post-PETS. [O3]
- Help Gus and Geko to collect, complete, sort, and triage network
health proposals (S112): read proposals. [O3]
- EFF campaign: refine advocacy documents, get community feedback. [O2]
- Defcon: Coordinate session(s) with co-speakers, prepare content. [O1]
### August:
- SOUPS / Usenix Security: attend briefly since I'll be nearby. [O1]
- Defcon: finish prep, speak at main-track and at policy-track. [O1]
- Defcon: help at booth. [O3]
- EFF campaign: Launch the campaign site. [O2]
### September:
- EFF campaign: actively run and progress campaign (#67). [O2]
- Internet Governance Forum: reach out to my policy contacts to
let them know we're coming, invite to our sessions, discover
meetings we should be in. [O1]
- Help Gus and Geko to collect, complete, sort, and triage network
health proposals (S112): provide feedback, community and historical
perspectives, and advice. [O3]
### October:
- EFF campaign: actively run and progress campaign (#67). [O2]
- // EFF campaign: organize an OONI training to crowdsource Tor
// technical reachability measurements at universities. [O2]
- Internet Governance Forum: attend, network, speak at session(s). [O1]
- Assist Micah Sherr and Rob Jansen with the RACE final report. [O3]
### November:
- EFF campaign: Build coalition for, write, and submit session proposal
for TNC (#40054) [O1, O2]
- // Help Gus and Raya plan the early-2024 trainers event. [O3]
- Prepare for next Iran Cyber Dialogues event. [O1]
- Organize support portal hackathon. [O1, O2]
- Coordinate / write / submit talk proposal for 37C3 (#40051) [O1, O2]
- Teach guest Tor lecture at NYU. [O1, O2]
### December:
- EFF campaign: Publish a status update. (#67). [O2]
- Coordinate and host community State-of-the-Onion virtual panel. [O1, O2]
- Do a 'core contributor' membership audit (last iteration was late 2021) [O2]
- Write and give lecture at 37C3; attend meetups there (#40051) [O1, O2]
### Stretch goals that would be nice to fit in to 2023 but that realistically might get crowded out when something else catches on fire, so I am listing them here so they don't get forgotten but I am not putting them on the 2023 roadmap:
* Bermuda work: Bad-relay monitoring and tooling to help the network
health team (S112). Maintain bermuda, and implement requested new
features. [O3]
* License mapping: Internal free software license mapping, audit,
and decision tree. [O2]
* Core Contributor support: Help assess and reform our "core contributor"
idea. Either help keep it moving forward or help change it. Maybe, do
another 'core contributor' membership iteration, to remove the people who
have gone away in the past couple of years (last iteration was Sep/Oct 2021) [O2]
* AnonBib refresh: Update anonbib with 2021-2023 papers. Introduce best
ones to Pavel and comms@ so we can highlight them to our community,
reward people doing useful Tor research, and have proactive and positive
news to tell our audiences. [O1/O2]
* Sign up to do Tor presentations at FBI/DoJ/DEA/etc events. [O1]
## Q3-Q4 2022 priorities
### O1: Keep RACE (sponsor 28) happy with Tor
- November PI meeting and presentation; October ECP presentation; October, frame and pitch the follow-on projects
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ All three presentations done and successful. Slides are published in https://gitlab.torproject.org/ahf/onion-tex/-/tree/main/src/pandoc/arma-internet-freedom-2022
- Publish part one of bridge distribution strategy document; and start in on part two
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ The core outline for the document is in place, as summarized in the Defcon talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlZZQYLIXe8) and slides (https://gitlab.torproject.org/ahf/onion-tex/-/tree/main/src/pandoc/arma-defcon-2022 slides 68-84) and then refined in the October ECP and pitch presentations above, and also in new tickets like https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/censorship-analysis/-/issues/40035 and its children. Remaining is to put all the words in one place and make them flow well. There will probably not need to be a 'part two' here since Lox is filling that role.
### O2: Participate in external outreach
- PETS: organizing, reviewing, attending
- Defcon talk and booth
- Darpa Forward panel
- FOCI organizing
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: all green.}}`$ PETS, Defcon, and Darpa Forward panel all happened and went well. I organized and created a new steering committee for FOCI, and it is on track to attach itself to PETS next summer for its first in-person event since pre-covid.
### O3: Tor's Core Contributors feel appreciated
- Core Contributor session in Limerick
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ The session happened, and notes are here: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/team/-/wikis/202209MeetingCoreContributors
- reach out to people about whether they still need their LDAP accounts
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ Done, as documented in this internal TPA ticket: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/issues/40441. We will expire 15 ldap accounts and let their email address expire too; and we will expire 15 more ldap accounts and replace them with a forwarding alias.
- do a round of core contributor membership review
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ I made an updated list of current Core Contributors and sent it out, but it is increasingly unclear if the current core contributor idea that we have is working, so it doesn't feel best to just keep plowing ahead with a process not many people are on-board for.
- start revamping the Core Contributor nomination process
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ The notes from the Limerick session above propose a new process, but we don't have buy-in from many people for it yet. Next step, have a session in Costa Rica and see if we want to do more serious changes.
### O4: glue, community, infrastructure
More urgent:
- network health / network team: get moria1 back to being based on git main (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40622)
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ Done: moria1 now runs on the moria1-048 branch. I may still need to apply emergency defenses since currently neither git main nor moria1-048 has any DirPort-level DDoS defenses; we will see.
Less urgent:
- mailing list moderation
* $`\textcolor{red}{\text{Outcome: red.}}`$ I actually stopped looking at any of the mailman moderation mails when moria had its hardware troubles in October, and haven't looked back.
- irc organization, moderation, access control
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I went through to make sure our irc channels are unified in their access control and settings. So far so good.
- anti-censorship tor patches: Teach Tor to only contact the first n bridges in the list (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40578)
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ This new feature became urgent from the anti-censorship team's perspective as we deployed our second Snowflake server, so I implemented it. The branch is still awaiting review from the network team.
- anti-censorship tor patches: Obfs4 bridges should be able to disable their ORPort (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/7349)
- community: relays-at-universities campaign with EFF
- TPA: employee/contractor copyright expectations (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/team/-/issues/74)
- network health: measurement tools, e.g. bermuda mods
- network health: hs pow work (https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40634)
- money machine: follow along better via funder reports
- network team / onion services team: provide onion services clue as needed
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ These lower-priority items each got some attention. Some of them are going to forever be ongoing (like responding to Bermuda feature requests), and others of them have a clear resolution point but they are not there yet.
### O5: items dragged forward from q1q2:
- moria reinstall
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ It has new hardware running a modern operating system.
- dusk key delivery
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I did the rendezvous at the end of September.
## Q1-Q2 2022 OKRs
### O1: RACE (sponsor 28) is happy with Tor
KR1: (minimal result) We have a good bullet-point outline of all the topics and components that need to be considered for Salmon.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ We have a list of building blocks and milestones in the Defcon talk submission text.
KR2: (better result) Each piece of this outline is fleshed out in enough detail that it provides a coherent narrative and helps the reader understand missing or unsolved pieces.
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ I have an in-progress draft (at https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/censorship-analysis/-/issues/40011) but work on it will bleed into q3q4.
KR3: We completed every requested presentation.
* Funder learned more details about Tor activities (March site visit).
* Other groups funded alongside us learned about our tech transition wishlist and our internet freedom funding landscape experience (April presentation).
* Funder understood and appreciates the above Salmon topics (April ECP presentation).
* Tor presented at PI meeting about RACE work since December (May presentation).
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ All presentations done and the funder remains impressed.
KR4: Money machine is well prepared to contract-manage the s28 contract.
* We successfully handed off report management, and presentation info gathering, to Gaba and Bekeela.
* We coordinated with Gaba whenever there were new task requests from sponsor.
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ Some hand-off happened, but I bet more hand-off with the grants team would be better. Nothing has exploded in any case, which is a start.
### O2: The Tor network still functions
KR1: upgrade moria1's hardware and OS, and get sbws running on it.
* $`\textcolor{orange}{\text{Outcome: orange.}}`$ We have new hardware for moria, but it is not yet installed and we are waiting patiently at the mercy of the hosting volunteer.
KR2: We have noticed and handled every catastrophic attack/stability issue on the network.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ There were DDoS attacks, Sybil attacks, and other issues, and the network still functions.
KR3: I have been active in each relay operator meetup.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I helped to run virtual relay operator meetups Feb 5, Mar 5, Apr 2, May 21, June 25.
KR4: The bad-relays team has consistently received Bermuda (bad exit test) results.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ The network health team has their own Bermuda deployment now, coordinated by DrWhax/dgoulet/geko.
### O3: PETS 2022 is successful
KR1: My PETS research paper assignments got reviewed and have a decision.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I reviewed 2 papers for issue 2022.4 (q1), and 2 papers for issue 2023.1 (q2).
KR2: PETS is on track to have diverse attendees because stipends got allocated well.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ We got dozens of good people to PETS in person, through grants from Ford Foundation and NSF.
KR3: PETS has a publisher for its research papers in 2022 and beyond.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ PETS has decided to self-publish starting around the end of this q1q2 period. That is, we have abandoned the previous publisher and chosen to not replace them.
### O4: Our external relationships feel appreciated
KR1: PleasrDAO received the dusk v2 onion key.
* $`\textcolor{red}{\text{Outcome: red.}}`$ I reached out a few times to PleasrDAO people but haven't made a good connection. In June I talked briefly to ixshells and she was going to connect me to somebody in NYC but I dropped the ball.
KR2: I submitted a detailed outline for a Defcon talk (April).
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ Talk got submitted and accepted.
KR3: Ola's trial had a Tor expert witness (January, May).
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ In May I finally got a chance to contribute as an expert witness to Ola's trial. Tor and others tweeted about it.
KR4: I networked with security researchers at the NSF PI meeting (June).
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ I attended the meeting and used the opportunity to talk to professors who are doing Tor research, and to generally remind people that Tor is still around. One highlight is that the main ethics panel at the conference referenced the Tor Research Safety Board.
KR5: I helped shepherd the twitter onion address to go public and work.
* $`\textcolor{green}{\text{Outcome: green.}}`$ The twitter onion address is live, and it sets the Onion-Location meta equiv tag.
## Foreshadowing my Q3 2022 topics:
* Do some of the hard little-t-tor anti-censorship and dir-auth user-oriented improvements that we've been wanting forever
* anti-censorship: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/16844, https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/7349
* dir-auth: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/19162, https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40395
* Outreach (do PETS, Defcon talk, UE talk)
* Internal community: check in with each core contributor
* Continue most of the Q2 topics
## Helpful links
https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/-/boards?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&assignee_username=arma |
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