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Other labels 125

  • Accessibility
    The Tor Project
    Issues affecting the accessibility of our products (i.e. things that don't meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standard).
  • Anti-Censorship
    The Tor Project
    Any issue, outside the anti-censorship group, that needs work from the anti-censorship team.
  • Backlog
    The Tor Project
    This issue is in the roadmap for this quarter of one of the teams.
  • Backport
    The Tor Project
    Any tickets that needs to be backported
  • Blocked
    The Tor Project
    Issues that are blocked by other work/issue. Please add a comment to the issue when marking it with this label.
  • Brand
    The Tor Project
    An issue requiring work on brand and/or visual assets, e.g. illustration, iconography, brand design et cetera.
  • Browser
    The Tor Project
    Any issue (outside the Applications group) that need work from the Applications team.
  • Bug
    The Tor Project
    A possible bug and how to reproduce it
  • BugSmashFund
    The Tor Project
    All tickets which work can be supported through the Bug Smash Fund Campaign.
  • CI
    The Tor Project / TPA
    GitLab CI runners
  • CI
    The Tor Project
    Continuous Integration
  • Civicrm Contractor
    The Tor Project
    Any ticket that needs attention from the contractor working on Civicrm
  • Code Audit
    The Tor Project
    This issue came from a security audit done by a third party organization.
  • Community
    The Tor Project
    It needs work related to community
  • Core
    The Tor Project
    Any issue (outside Core group) that needs attention from Network people.
  • DoS
    The Tor Project
    Denial of service
  • Docshackathon
    The Tor Project
    Documentation's Hackathon at Tor's community
  • Documentation
    The Tor Project
    Anything that needs documentation.
  • Doing
    The Tor Project
    Issues that people are working on right now
  • Donate
    The Tor Project
    Donation page tickets