title: TPA-RFC-2: support
Summary: to get help, open a ticket, ask on IRC for simple things, or
send us an email for private things. TPA doesn't manage all services
(service admin definition). Criterion for supported services and
support levels.
# Background
It is important to define how users get help from, what is an
emergency for, and what is supported by the sysadmin team (AKA
"TPA"). So far, only the former has been defined, rather informally,
but has yet to be collectively agreed withing the larger team.
This proposal aims to document the current situation and propose new
support levels and a support policy that will provide clear guidelines
and expectations for the various teams inside TPO.
This first emerged during an audit of the TPO infrastructure by anarcat
in July 2019 ([ticket 31243][]), itself taken from [section 2][] of
the "ops report card", which is *Are "the 3 empowering policies"
defined and published?* Those policies are defined as:
1. How do users get help?
2. What is an emergency?
3. What is supported?
Which we translate in the following policy proposals:
* Support channels
* Support levels
* Supported services, which includes the service admins definition
and how service transition between the teams (if at all)
# Proposal
<a name="how-to-get-help"></a>
## Support channels
Support requests and questions are encouraged to be documented and
communicated to the team.
Those instructions concern mostly internal Tor matters. For users of
Tor software, you will be better served by visiting
[support.torproject.org][] or [mailing lists][].
[support.torproject.org]: https://support.torproject.org/
[mailing lists]: https://lists.torproject.org/
### Quick question: chat
If you have "just a quick question" or some quick thing we can help
you with, ask us on IRC: you can find us in `#tpo-admin` on
`irc.oftc.net` and in other tor channels.
It's possible we ask you to create a ticket if we're in a pinch. It's
also a good way to bring your attention to some emergency or ticket
that was filed elsewhere.
### Bug reports, feature requests and others: issue tracker
Most requests and questions should go into the issue tracker, which is
currently [Trac][] ([direct link to a new ticket form][]). Try to find
the right component, but when in doubt, pick [Internal Services/Tor
Sysadmin Team][].
[Trac]: https://trac.torproject.org
[direct link to a new ticket form]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/newticket
[Internal Services/Tor Sysadmin Team]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/newticket?component=Internal+Services%2FTor+Sysadmin+Team
(Note that the issue tracker will be changed to GitLab shortly, at
which point the above links will be updated.)
### Private question and fallback: email
If you want to discuss a sensitive matter that requires privacy or are
unsure how to reach us, you can always write to us by email, at
[torproject-admin@torproject.org]: mailto:torproject-admin@torproject.org
## Support levels
We consider there are three "support levels" for problems that come up
with services:
* code red: immediate emergency, fix ASAP
* code yellow: serious problem that doesn't require immediate
attention but that could turn into a code red if nothing is down
* routine: file a bug report, we'll get to it soon!
We do not have 24/7 on-call support, so requests are processed during
work times of available staff. We do try to provide continuous support
as much as possible, but it's possible that some weekends or vacations
are unattended for more than a day. This is the definition of a
"business day".
The TPA team is currently small and there might be specific situations
where a code RED might require more time than expected and as a
organization we need to do an effort in understanding that.
### Code red
A "code red" is a critical condition that requires immediate
action. It's what we consider an "emergency". Our SLA for those is
24h business days, as defined above. Services qualifying for a code
red are:
* incoming email and forwards
* [main website][]
* [donation website][]
[main website]: https://www.torproject.org/
[donation website]: https://donate.torproject.org/
Other services fall under "routine" or "code yellow" below, which can
be upgraded in priority.
Examples of problems falling under code red include:
* website unreachable
* emails to torproject.org not reaching our server
Some problems fall under other teams and are not the responsibility of
TPA, even if they can be otherwise considered a code red.
So, for example, those are *not* code reds for TPA:
* website has a major design problem rendering it unusable
* donation backend failing because of a problem in CiviCRM
* gmail refusing all email forwards
* encrypted mailing lists failures
* gitolite refuses connections
### Code yellow
A "[code yellow][]" is a situation where we are overwhelmed but there
isn't exactly an immediate emergency to deal with. A good introduction
is this [SRECON19 presentation][] ([slides][]). The basic idea is
that a code yellow is a "problem [that] creeps up on you over time and
suddenly the hole is so deep you can’t find the way out".
[code yellow]: https://devops.com/code-yellow-when-operations-isnt-perfect/
[SRECON19 presentation]: https://www.usenix.org/conference/srecon19americas/presentation/kehoe
[slides]: https://www.usenix.org/sites/default/files/conference/protected-files/sre19amer_slides_kehoe.pdf
There's no clear timeline on when such a problem can be resolved. If
the problem is serious enough, it *may* eventually be upgraded to a
code red by the approval of a team lead after a week's delay,
regardless of the affected service. In that case, a "hot fix" (some
hack like throwing hardware at the problem) may be deployed instead of
fixing the actual long term issue, in which case the problem becomes a
code yellow again.
Examples of a code yellow include:
* Trac gets overwhelmed ([ticket 29672][])
* Gitweb performance problems ([ticket 32133][])
* upgrade metrics.tpo to buster in the hope of fixing broken graphs
([ticket 32998][])
[ticket 29672]: https://bugs.torproject.org/29672
[ticket 32133]: https://bugs.torproject.org/32133
[ticket 32998]: https://bugs.torproject.org/32998
### Routine
Routine tasks are normal requests that are not an emergency and can be
processed as part of the normal workflow.
Example of routine tasks include:
* account creation
* group access changes
* email alias changes
* static web component changes
* examine disk usage warning
* security upgrades
* server reboots
## Supported services
Services supported by TPA must fulfill the following criteria:
1. The software needs to have an active release cycle
2. It needs to provide installation instructions, debugging
3. It needs to maintain a bug tracker and/or some means to contact
4. Debian GNU/Linux is the only supported operating system, and TPA
supports only the "stable" and "oldstable" distributions, until
the latter becomes EOL
5. At least two person from the Tor community should be willing
to help to maintain the service
Note that TPA does *not* support Debian LTS.
Also note that it is the responsibility of [service
admins][] (see below) to upgrade their services to keep
up with the Debian release schedule.
[service admins]: #service-admins
<a name="service-admins"></a>
### Service admins
(Note: this section used to live in doc/admins and is the current
"service admin" definition, mostly untouched.)
Within the **admin team** we have **system admins** (also known as
sysadmins, TSA or TPA) and **services admins**. While the distinction
between the two might seem blurry, the rule of thumb is that
**sysadmins** do not maintain every service that we offer. Rather,
they maintain the underlying computers -- make sure they get package
updates, make sure they stay on the network, etc.
Then it's up to the **service admins** to deploy and maintain their
[services][] (onionoo, atlas, blog, etc) on top of those machines.
[services]: https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/org/operations/Infrastructure
For example, **"the blog is returning 503 errors"** is probably the
responsibility of a **service admin**, i.e. the blog service is
experiencing a problem. Instead, **"the blog doesn't ping"** or **"i
cannot open a TCP connection"** is a **sysadmin** thing, i.e. the
machine running the blog service has an issue. More examples:
Sysadmin tasks:
* installing a Debian package
* deploy a firewall rule
* add a new user (or a group, or a user to a group, etc)
Service admin tasks:
* the donation site is not handling credit cards correctly
* a video on media.torproject.org is returning 403 because its permissions are wrong
* the check.tp.o web service crashed
### Service adoption
The above distinction between sysadmins and service admins is often
weak since Tor has trouble maintaining a large service admin
team. There are instead core Tor people that are voluntarily
responsible for a service, for a while.
If a service is important for the Tor community the sysadmin team
might adopt it even when there aren't designated services admins.
In order for a service to be adopted by the sysadmin team, it needs to
fulfill the criteria established for "[Supported services][]" by TPA,
[Supported services]: #Supported_services
When a service is adopted by the sysadmin team, the sysadmins will
make an estimation of costs and resources required to maintain the
service over time. The documentation should follow the service
documentation template at [howto/template](howto/template).
There needs to be some commitment by individuals Tor project
contributors and also by the project that the service will receive
funding to keep it working.
# Deadline
Policy was submitted to the team on 2020-06-03 and adopted by the team
on 2020-06-10, at which point it was submitted to tor-internal for
broader approval. It will be marked as "standard" on 2020-06-17 if
there are no objections there.
# Status
This proposal was adopted as a `standard` on 2020-06-17.
# References
* [ticket 31243][]
* [section 2][] of the [Ops report card][]
[ticket 31243]: https://bugs.torproject.org/31243
[section 2]: http://opsreportcard.com/section/2
[Ops report card]: http://opsreportcard.com/ |