[Grafana]( is a graphing engine and dashboard management tool that
processes data from multiple data sources. We use it to trend various
metrics collected from servers by [[Prometheus]].
Puppet implementation
Grafana was installed with Puppet using the upstream Debian
package, following a debate regarding the merits of Debian packages
versus Docker containers when neither are trusted, see [this
comment]( for a summary.
Some manual configuration was performed after the install. An admin
password reset on first install, stored in `torr-passwords.git`, in
`hosts-extra-info`. Everything else is configured in Puppet.
Grafana dashboards, in particular, live in
`modules/profile/files/grafana/dashboards`, which is a copy of
anarcat's [grafana-dashboards repository][]. The `` file
there contains more instructions on how to add and update
dashboards. In general, dashboards must not be modified directly
through the web interface, at least not without being exported back
into the repository.
[grafana-dashboards repository]:
Updating a Grafana dashboard
As mentioned above, the Grafana dashboards are maintained by
Puppet. So while new dashboard can be created and edited in the
Grafana web interface, changes will be **lost** when Puppet ships a
new version of the dashboard.
You therefore need to make *sure* you update the Dashboard in git
before leaving. New dashboards not in git should be fairly safe, but
please do also commit them to git so we have a proper revisioned
history of their deployment. It's also the right way to make sure they
are usable across other instances of Grafana. Finally, they are also
easier to share and collaborate on that way.
See the [grafana-dashboards repository][] for instructions on how to
export dashboards into git.