# Ganeti setup
## Prepare
- Make sure all nodes have the same LVM setup and the same network setup. They want openvswitch. Cf. host `fsn-node-01`'s /etc/network/interfaces.
- Prepare all the nodes by configuring them in puppet. They should be in the class `roles::ganeti::fsn` if they
are part of the fsn cluster. If you make a new cluster, make a new role and add nodes.
## New master
To create the fsn master, we added fsngnt to DNS, then ran
gnt-cluster init \
--master-netdev vlan-gntbe \
--vg-name vg_ganeti \
--secondary-ip \
--enabled-hypervisors kvm \
--nic-parameters link=br0,vlan=4000 \
--mac-prefix 00:66:37 \
--no-ssh-init \
--no-etc-hosts \
## Add a new node
We did run the following on fsn-node-01:
gnt-node add \
--secondary-ip \
--no-ssh-key-check \
--no-node-setup \
## cluster config
These could probably be merged into the cluster init, but just to document what has been done:
gnt-cluster modify --reserved-lvs vg_ganeti/root,vg_ganeti/swap
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:kernel_path=,initrd_path=,
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:security_model=pool
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:kvm_extra='-device virtio-rng-pci\,bus=pci.0\,addr=0x1e\,max-bytes=1024\,period=1000'
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:disk_cache=none
gnt-cluster modify --uid-pool 4000-4019
gnt-cluster modify --nic-parameters mode=openvswitch,link=br0,vlan=4000
gnt-cluster modify -D drbd:c-plan-ahead=0,disk-custom='--c-plan-ahead 0'
### Network configuration
IP allocation is managed by Ganeti through the `gnt-network(8)`
system. Say we have `` reserved for the cluster, with
the host IP ``` and the gateway on ``. You will
create this network with:
gnt-network add --network --gateway --network6 2001:db8::/32 --gateway6 fe80::1 example-network
Then we associate the new network to the default node group:
gnt-network connect --nic-parameters=link=br0,vlan=4000,mode=openvswitch example-network default
The arguments to `--nic-parameters` come from the values configured in
the cluster, above. The current values can be found with `gnt-cluster
# Regular maintenance
## Adding a new instance
This command creates a new guest, or "instance" in Ganeti's
gnt-instance add \
-o debootstrap+buster \
-t drbd --no-wait-for-sync \
--disk 0:size=10G --disk 1:size=10G,vg=vg_ganeti_hdd --disk 2:size=1G,name=swap \
--backend-parameters memory=2g,vcpus=2 \
--net 0:ip=pool,network=gnt-fsn --no-name-check --no-ip-check \
TODO: the above doesn't include the private network configuration.
This configures the following:
* redundant disks in a DRBD mirror, use `-t plain` for tests
* three partitions: one on the default VG (SSD), one on another (HDD)
and a swap file on the default VG, if you don't specify a swap device,
a 512MB swapfile is created in `/swapfile`
* 2GB of RAM with 2 virtual CPUs
* an IP allocated from the public gnt-fsn pool
* with the `` hostname
To find the root password, run this on the node where the instance was created:
grep 'root password' $(ls -tr /var/log/ganeti/os/* | tail -1)
Note that you need to use the `--node` parameter to pick on which
machines you want the machine to end up, otherwise Ganeti will choose
for you.`
## Adding and removing addresses on instances
Say you created an instance but forgot to assign a private IP. You can
still do so with:
gnt-instance modify --net -1:add,ip=,network=internal
TODO: the internal network hasn't been created yet.
## Listing instances
gnt-instance list
## Destroying an instance
This totally deletes the instance, including all mirrors and
everything, be very careful with it:
gnt-instance remove
## Disk operations (DRBD)
Instances should be setup using the DRBD backend, in which case you
should probably take a look at [[drbd]] if you have problems with
that. Ganeti handles most of the logic there so that should generally
not be necessary.