Nodes could also [grouped]( to limit (automated) live migration to a
subset of nodes.
* <>
* <>
The [ganeti-instance-debootstrap]( package is used to install
instances. It is configured through Puppet with the [shared ganeti
module](, which deploys a few hooks to automate the install as much
as possible. The installer will:
1. setup grub to respond on the serial console
2. setup and log a random root password
3. make sure SSH is installed and log the public keys and
4. setup swap if a labeled partition is present, or a 512MB swapfile
5. setup basic static networking through `/etc/network/interfaces.d`
1. add a few base packages
2. do our own custom SSH configuration
3. fix the hostname to be a FQDN
4. add a line to `/etc/hosts`
5. add a tmpfs
There is work underway to refactor and automate the install better,
see [ticket 31239]( for details.
There is no issue tracker specifically for this project, [File][] or
[search][] for issues in the [generic internal services][search] component.
# Discussion
## Overview
The project of creating a Ganeti cluster for Tor has appeared in the
summer of 2019. The machines were delivered by Hetzner in July 2019
and setup by weasel by the end of the month.
The goal was to replace the aging group of KVM servers (kvm[1-5], AKA
textile, unifolium, macrum, kvm4 and kvm5).
* arbitrary virtual machine provisionning
* redundant setup
* automated VM installation
* replacement of existing infrastructure
* fully configured in Puppet
* full high availability with automatic failover
* extra capacity for new projects
* Docker or "container" provisionning - we consider this out of scope
for now
* self-provisionning by end-users: TPA remains in control of
A budget was proposed by weasel in may 2019 and approved by Vegas in
June. An extension to the budget was approved in january 2020 by
## Proposed Solution
Setup a Ganeti cluster of two machines with a Hetzner vSwitch backend.
The design based on the [PX62 line][PX62-NVMe] has the following monthly cost
* per server: 118EUR (79EUR + 39EUR for 2x10TB HDDs)
* IPv4 space: 35.29EUR (/27)
* IPv6 space: 8.40EUR (/64)
* bandwidth cost: 1EUR/TB (currently 38EUR)
At three servers, that adds up to around 435EUR/mth. Up to date costs
are available in the [Tor VM hosts.xlsx]( spreadsheet.
## Alternatives considered
<!-- include benchmarks and procedure if relevant -->