This document explains how to handle requests to rename a user account.
# Requirements
- the new LDAP username
- the new "full name"
- a new or updated GPG key with the new email
- a new mail forwarding address, if needed
# Main procedure
1. Update `account-keyring.git` with the new (or updated) GPG key
2. With `ldapvi`, update the user and group names in the LDAP database
(including the DN), along with the new GPG fingerprint if a new key is to be
associated with the account and forwarding address if applicable
3. Using `cumin`, rename home directories on hosts
4. Optionally, add the previous forwarding to `profile::mx::aliases` in `tor-puppet:data/common/mail.yaml`
5. Update the information on the main website
# GitLab
GitLab users may rename their own accounts with the User Settings panel.
# Nextcloud
Changing the login name is [not supported][] at all in Nextcloud, only the
display name can be changed.
[not supported]:
If a new account is created as part or the renaming process, it's possible to
"transfer" files and shares from one account to the other using the
[files:transfer-ownership][] command via the CLI. This particular option is
however untested, and TPA doesn't have access to the hosted Nextcloud CLI.
# Other
It's a good idea to grep the `tor-puppet.git` repository, this can catch
instances of the old username existing in places like `/etc/subuid`.