Jérôme Charaoui authoredJérôme Charaoui authored
- Tutorial
- Adding an IP address to the global allow list
- How-to
- Modifying an existing configuration
- Adding a new module
- Contributing changes back upstream
- Running tests
- Validating Puppet code
- Listing all hosts under puppet
- Other ways of extracting a host list
- Running Puppet everywhere
- Batch jobs on all hosts
- Progressive deployment
- Adding/removing a global admin
- Troubleshooting
- Running Puppet by hand and logging
- Finding exported resources with SQL queries
- Finding exported resources with PuppetDB
- Password management
- Getting information from other nodes
- Exported resources
- PuppetDB lookups
- Puppet query language
- LDAP lookups
- Hiera lookups
- Revoking and generating a new certificate for a host
- Pager playbook
- catalog run: PuppetDB warning: did not update since [...]
- Problems pushing to the Puppet server
- Disaster recovery
- Reference
- Installation
- Design
- Glossary
- File layout
- Installed packages facts
- Style guide
- Role classes
- Hiera
- Common configuration
- Role configuration
- Node configuration
- Cron and scheduling
- LDAP integration
- Nagios integration
- Let's Encrypt TLS certificates
- Internal auto-ca TLS certificates
- Issues
- Monitoring and testing
- Logs and metrics
- Other documentation
- Discussion
- Overview
- Goals
- Must have
- Nice to have
- Non-Goals
- Approvals required
- Proposed Solution
- Use a control repository
- Get rid of 3rdparty
- Deploy with g10k
- Authenticate code with checksums
- Deploy to branch-specific environments
- Rename the default branch "production"
- Push directly on the Puppet server
- Use a role account
- Use local test environments
- Develop a test suite
- Hook into continuous integration
- OpenPGP verification and web hook
- Cost
- Alternatives considered
- monorepo
- submodules
- librarian
- r10k
- git subtree
- subrepo
- myrepos
- Summary table
- Best practices survey
- Other alternatives
TPA uses Puppet to manage all servers it operates. It handles most of the configuration management of the base operating system and some services. It is not designed to handle ad-hoc tasks, for which we favor the use of fabric.
- Tutorial
- Modifying an existing configuration
- Adding a new module
- Contributing changes back upstream
- Running tests
- Validating Puppet code
- Listing all hosts under puppet
- Running Puppet everywhere
- Batch jobs on all hosts
- Progressive deployment
- Adding/removing a global admin
- Troubleshooting
- Password management
- Getting information from other nodes
- Revoking and generating a new certificate for a host
- Pager playbook
- Disaster recovery
- Reference
- Overview
- Goals
- Approvals required
Proposed Solution
- Use a control repository
- Get rid of 3rdparty
- Deploy with g10k
- Authenticate code with checksums
- Deploy to branch-specific environments
- Rename the default branch "production"
- Push directly on the Puppet server
- Use a role account
- Use local test environments
- Develop a test suite
- Hook into continuous integration
- OpenPGP verification and web hook
- Cost
- Alternatives considered
This page is long! This first section hopes to get you running with a simple task quickly.
Adding an IP address to the global allow list
In this tutorial, we will add an IP address to the global allow list, on all firewalls on all machines. This is a big deal! It will allow that IP address to access the SSH servers on all boxes and more. This should be an static IP address on a trusted network.
If you have never used Puppet before or are nervous at all about making such a change, it is a good idea to have a more experienced sysadmin nearby to help you. They can also confirm this tutorial is what is actually needed.
To any change on the Puppet server, you will first need to clone the git repository:
git clone pauli.torproject.org:/srv/puppet.torproject.org/git/tor-puppet
This needs to be only done once.
The firewall rules are defined in the
module, which lives inmodules/ferm
. The file you specifically need to change ismodules/ferm/templates/defs.conf.erb
, so open that in your editor of choice:$EDITOR modules/ferm/templates/defs.conf.erb
The code you are looking for is
. Add a@def
for your IP address and add the new macro to theADMIN_IPS
macro. When you exit your editor, git should show you a diff that looks something like this:--- a/modules/ferm/templates/defs.conf.erb +++ b/modules/ferm/templates/defs.conf.erb @@ -77,7 +77,10 @@ def $TPO_NET = (<%= networks.join(' ') %>); @def $linus = (); @def $linus = ($linus; # kcmp@adbc @def $linus = ($linus 2001:6b0:8::2/128); # kcmp@adbc -@def $ADMIN_IPS = ($weasel $linus); +@def $anarcat = (); +@def $anarcat = ($anarcat; # home IP +@def $anarcat = ($anarcat 2001:DB8::DEAD/128 2001:DB8:F00F::/56); # home IPv6 +@def $ADMIN_IPS = ($weasel $linus $anarcat); @def $BASE_SSH_ALLOWED = ();
Then you can commit this and push:
git commit -m'add my home address to the allow list' && git push
Then you should login to one of the hosts and make sure the code applies correctly:
ssh -tt perdulce.torproject.org sudo puppet agent -t
Puppet shows colorful messages. If nothing is red and it returns correctly, you are done. If that doesn't work, go back to step 2. If that doesn't work, ask for help from your colleague in the Tor sysadmin team.
If this works, congratulations, you have made your first change across
the entire Puppet infrastructure! You might want to look at the rest
of the documentation to learn more about how to do different tasks and
how things are setup. A key "How to" we recommend is the Progressive deployment
section below, which will teach you how to make a change
like the above while making sure you don't break anything even if it
affects a lot of machines.
Modifying an existing configuration
For new deployments, this is NOT the preferred method. For example,
if you are deploying new software that is not already in use in our
infrastructure, do not follow this guide and instead follow the
Adding a new module
guide below.
If you are touching an existing configuration, things are much
simpler however: you simply go to the module where the code already
exists and make changes. You git commit
and git push
the code,
then immediately run puppet agent -t
on the affected node.
Look at the File layout
section above to find the right piece of
code to modify. If you are making changes that potentially affect more
than one host, you should also definitely look at the Progressive deployment
section below.
Adding a new module
This is a broad topic, but let's take the Prometheus monitoring system as an example which followed the role/profile/module pattern.
First, the Prometheus modules on the Puppet forge were evaluated for quality and popularity. There was a clear winner there: the Prometheus module from Vox Populi had hundreds of thousands more downloads than the next option, which was deprecated.
Next, the module was added to the Puppetfile (in
mod 'puppet-prometheus', '6.4.0'
... and librarian was ran:
librarian-puppet install
This fetched a lot of code from the Puppet forge: the stdlib, archive and system modules were all installed or updated. All those modules were audited manually, by reading each file and looking for obvious security flaws or back doors. Then the code was committed into git:
git add 3rdparty
git commit -m'install prometheus module after audit'
Then the module was configured in a profile, in modules/profile/manifests/prometheus/server.pp
class profile::prometheus::server {
class {
# follow prom2 defaults
localstorage => '/var/lib/prometheus/metrics2',
storage_retention => '15d',
The above contains our local configuration for the upstream
class installed in the 3rdparty
directory. In
particular, it sets a retention period and a different path for the
metrics, so that they follow the new Prometheus 2.x defaults.
Then this profile was added to a role, in
# the monitoring server
class roles::monitoring {
include profile::prometheus::server
Notice how the role does not refer to any implementation detail, like that the monitoring server uses Prometheus. It looks like a trivial, useless, class but it can actually grow to include multiple profiles.
Then that role is added to the Hiera configuration of the monitoring
server, in hiera/nodes/hetzner-nbg1-01.torproject.org.yaml
- roles::monitoring
And Puppet was ran on the host, with:
puppet --enable ; puppet agent -t --noop ; puppet --disable "testing prometheus deployment"
This led to some problems as the upstream module doesn't support
installing from Debian packages. Support for Debian was added to the
code in 3rdparty/modules/prometheus
, and committed into git:
emacs 3rdparty/modules/prometheus/manifests/*.pp # magic happens
git commit -m'implement all the missing stuff' 3rdparty
git push
And the above puppet command-line was ran again, continuing that loop until things were good.
If you need to deploy the code to multiple hosts, see the Progressive deployment
section below. To contribute changes back upstream (and
you should do so), see the section right below.
Contributing changes back upstream
For simple changes, the above workflow works well, but eventually it is preferable to actually fork the upstream repository and operate on our fork until the changes are merged upstream.
First, the modified module is moved out of the way:
mv 3rdparty/modules/prometheus{,.orig}
The module is then forked on GitHub or wherever it is hosted, and then added to the Puppetfile:
mod 'puppet-prometheus',
:git => 'https://github.com/anarcat/puppet-prometheus.git',
:branch => 'deploy'
Then Librarian is ran again to fetch that code:
librarian-puppet install
Because Librarian is a little dumb, it might checkout your module in "detached head" mode, in which case you will want to fix the checkout:
cd 3rdparty/modules/prometheus
git checkout deploy
git reset --hard origin/deploy
git pull
Note that the deploy
branch here is a merge of all the different
branches proposed upstream in different pull requests, but it could
also be the master
branch or a single branch if only a single pull
request was sent.
Since you now have a clone of the upstream repository, you can push and pull normally with upstream. When you make a change, however, you need to commit (and push) the change both in the sub-repository and the main repository:
cd 3rdparty/modules/prometheus
$EDITOR manifests/init.pp # more magic stuff
git commit -m'change the frobatz to a argblu'
git push
cd ..
git commit -m'change the frobatz to a argblu'
git push
Often, I make commits directly in our main Puppet repository, without pushing to the third party fork, until I am happy with the code, and then I craft a nice pretty commit that can be pushed upstream, reversing that process:
$EDITOR 3rdparty/prometheus/manifests/init.pp # dirty magic stuff
git commit -m'change the frobatz to a quuxblah'
git push
# see if that works, generally not
git commit -m'rah. wanted a quuxblutz'
git push
# now we are good, update our pull request
cd 3rdparty/modules/prometheus
git commit -m'change the frobatz to a quuxblutz'
git push
It's annoying to double-commit things, but I haven't found a best way to do so just yet. This problem is further discussed in ticket #29387.
Also note that when you update code like this, the Puppetfile
not change, but the Puppetfile.lock
file does change. The GIT.sha
parameter needs to be updated. This can be done by hand, but since
that is error-prone, you might want to simply run this to update
librarian-puppet update
This will also update dependencies so make sure you audit those changes before committing and pushing.
Running tests
Ideally, Puppet modules have a test suite. This is done with rspec-puppet and rspec-puppet-facts. This is not very well documented upstream, but it's apparently part of the Puppet Development Kit (PDK). Anyways: assuming tests exists, you will want to run some tests before pushing your code upstream, or at least upstream might ask you for this before accepting your changes. Here's how to get setup:
sudo apt install ruby-rspec-puppet ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper ruby-bundler
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
This installs some basic libraries, system-wide (Ruby bundler and the
rspec stuff). Unfortunately, required Ruby code is rarely all present
in Debian and you still need to install extra gems. In this case we
set it up within the vendor/bundle
directory to isolate them from
the global search path.
Finally, to run the tests, you need to wrap your invocation with
bundle exec
, like so:
bundle exec rake test
Validating Puppet code
You SHOULD run validation checks on commit locally before pushing your manifests. To install those hooks, you should clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/anarcat/puppet-git-hooks
... and deploy it as a pre-commit hook:
ln -s $PWD/puppet-git-hooks/pre-commit tor-puppet/.git/hooks/pre-commit
A server-side validation hook hasn't been enabled yet because our manifests would sometimes fail and the hook was found to be somewhat slow. That is being worked on in issue 31226.
Listing all hosts under puppet
This will list all active hosts known to the Puppet master:
ssh -t pauli.torproject.org 'sudo -u postgres psql puppetdb -P pager=off -A -t -c "SELECT c.certname FROM certnames c WHERE c.deactivated IS NULL"'
The following will list all hosts under Puppet and their virtual
ssh -t pauli.torproject.org "sudo -u postgres psql puppetdb -P pager=off -F',' -A -t -c \"SELECT c.certname, value_string FROM factsets fs INNER JOIN facts f ON f.factset_id = fs.id INNER JOIN fact_values fv ON fv.id = f.fact_value_id INNER JOIN fact_paths fp ON fp.id = f.fact_path_id INNER JOIN certnames c ON c.certname = fs.certname WHERE fp.name = 'virtual' AND c.deactivated IS NULL\"" | tee hosts.csv
The resulting file is a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file which can be used for other purposes later.
Possible values of the virtual
field can be obtain with a similar
ssh -t pauli.torproject.org "sudo -u postgres psql puppetdb -P pager=off -A -t -c \"SELECT DISTINCT value_string FROM factsets fs INNER JOIN facts f ON f.factset_id = fs.id INNER JOIN fact_values fv ON fv.id = f.fact_value_id INNER JOIN fact_paths fp ON fp.id = f.fact_path_id WHERE fp.name = 'virtual';\""
The currently known values are: kvm
, physical
, and xenu
As a bonus, this query will show the number of hosts running each release:
SELECT COUNT(c.certname), value_string FROM factsets fs INNER JOIN facts f ON f.factset_id = fs.id INNER JOIN fact_values fv ON fv.id = f.fact_value_id INNER JOIN fact_paths fp ON fp.id = f.fact_path_id INNER JOIN certnames c ON c.certname = fs.certname WHERE fp.name = 'lsbdistcodename' AND c.deactivated IS NULL GROUP BY value_string;
Other ways of extracting a host list
Using the PuppetDB API:
curl -s -G http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/facts | jq -r ".[].certname"
The fact API is quite extensive and allows for very complex queries. For example, this shows all hosts with the
fact set totrue
:curl -s -G http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/facts --data-urlencode 'query=["and", ["=", "name", "apache2"], ["=", "value", true]]' | jq -r ".[].certname"
This will list all hosts sorted by their report date, older first, followed by the timestamp, space-separated:
curl -s -G http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/nodes | jq -r 'sort_by(.report_timestamp) | .[] | "\(.certname) \(.report_timestamp)"' | column -s\ -t
This will list all hosts with the
class:curl -s -G http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4 --data-urlencode 'query=inventory[certname] { resources { type = "Class" and title = "Roles::Static_mirror" }} ' | jq .[].certname
This will show all hosts running Debian buster:
curl -s -G http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4 --data-urlencode 'query=nodes { facts { name = "lsbdistcodename" and value = "buster" }}' | jq .[].certname
Using howto/cumin
Using LDAP:
HOSTS=$(ssh alberti.torproject.org 'ldapsearch -h db.torproject.org -x -ZZ -b dc=torproject,dc=org -LLL "hostname=*.torproject.org" hostname | awk "\$1 == \"hostname:\" {print \$2}" | sort') for i in `echo $HOSTS`; do mkdir hosts/x-$i 2>/dev/null || continue; echo $i; ssh $i ' ...'; done
is so that I can run the same command in many terminal windows and each host gets only one once
Running Puppet everywhere
There are many ways to run a command on all hosts (see next section), but the TL;DR: is to basically use cumin and run this command:
cumin -o txt -b 5 '*' 'puppet agent -t'
But before doing this, consider doing a progressive deployment instead.
Batch jobs on all hosts
With that trick, a job can be ran on all hosts with
parallel-ssh, for example, check the uptime
cut -d, -f1 hosts.hsv | parallel-ssh -i -h /dev/stdin uptime
This would do the same, but only on physical servers:
grep 'physical$' hosts.hsv | cut -d -f1 | parallel-ssh -i -h /dev/stdin uptime
This would fetch the /etc/motd
on all machines:
cut -d -f1 hosts.csv | parallel-slurp -h /dev/stdin -L motd /etc/motd motd
To run batch commands through sudo
that requires a password, you will need to fool both sudo
and ssh a little more:
cut -d -f1 hosts.csv | parallel-ssh -P -I -i -x -tt -h /dev/stdin -o pvs sudo pvs
You should then type your password then Control-d. Warning: this will show your password on your terminal and probably in the logs as well.
Batch jobs can also be ran on all Puppet hosts with Cumin:
ssh -N -L8080:localhost:8080 pauli.torproject.org &
cumin '*' uptime
See howto/cumin for more examples.
Progressive deployment
If you are making a major change to the infrastructure, you may want
to deploy it progressively. A good way to do so is to include the new
class manually in an existing role, say in
class role::foo {
include my_new_class
Then you can check the effect of the class on the host with the
mode. Make sure you disable Puppet so that automatic runs do
not actually execute the code, with:
puppet agent --disable "testing my_new_class deployment"
Then the new manifest can be simulated with this command:
puppet agent --enable ; puppet agent -t --noop ; puppet agent --disable "testing my_new_class deployment"
Examine the output and, once you are satisfied, you can re-enable the agent and actually run the manifest with:
puppet agent --enable ; puppet agent -t
If the change is inside an existing class, that change can be
enclosed in a class parameter and that parameter can be passed as an
argument from Hiera. This is how the transition to a managed
file was done:
first, a parameter was added to the class that would remove the file, defaulting to
:class torproject_org( Boolean $manage_sources_list = false, ) { if $manage_sources_list { # the above repositories overlap with most default sources.list file { '/etc/apt/sources.list': ensure => absent, } } }
then that parameter was enabled on one host, say in
:torproject_org::manage_sources_list: true
Puppet was run on that host using the simulation mode:
puppet agent --enable ; puppet agent -t --noop ; puppet agent --disable "testing my_new_class deployment"
when satisfied, the real operation was done:
puppet agent --enable ; puppet agent -t --noop
then this was added to two other hosts, and Puppet was ran there
finally, all hosts were checked to see if the file was present on hosts and had any content, with howto/cumin (see above for alternative way of running a command on all hosts):
cumin '*' 'du /etc/apt/sources.list'
since it was missing everywhere, the parameter was set to
by default and the custom configuration removed from the three test nodes -
then Puppet was ran by hand everywhere, using Cumin, with a batch of 5 hosts at a time:
cumin -o txt -b 5 '*' 'puppet agent -t'
because Puppet returns a non-zero value when changes are made, this will above when any one host in a batch of 5 will actually operate a change. You can then examine the output and see if the change is legitimate or abort the configuration change.
Adding/removing a global admin
To add a new sysadmin, you need to add their SSH key to the root
account everywhere. This can be done in the profile::admins::key
field in hiera/common.yaml
You also need to add them to the adm
group in LDAP, see adding
users to a group in LDAP.
Running Puppet by hand and logging
When a Puppet manifest is not behaving as it should, the first step is to run it by hand on the host:
puppet agent -t
If that doesn't yield enough information, you can see pretty much
everything that Puppet does with the --debug
flag. This will, for
example, include Exec
resources onlyif
commands and allow you to
see why they do not work correctly (a common problem):
puppet agent -t --debug
Finally, some errors show up only on the Puppet server: you can look in
there for errors that will only show up there.
Finding exported resources with SQL queries
Connecting to the PuppetDB database itself can sometimes be easier than trying to operate the API. There you can inspect the entire thing as a normal SQL database, use this to connect:
sudo -u postgres psql puppetdb
It's possible exported resources do surprising things sometimes. It is
useful to look at the actual PuppetDB to figure out which tags
exported resources have. For example, this query lists all exported
resources with troodi
in the name:
SELECT certname_id,type,title,file,line,tags FROM catalog_resources WHERE exported = 't' AND title LIKE '%troodi%';
Keep in mind that there are automatic tags in exported resources which can complicate things.
Finding exported resources with PuppetDB
This query will look for exported resources with the type
(which can be a class, define, or
builtin resource) and a title
(the "name" of the resource as defined
in the manifests) of backup-blah@backup.koumbit.net
curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4 \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
-d '{"query": "resources { type = \"Backupninja::Server::Account\" and title = \"backup-blah@backup.koumbit.net\" }"}' \
| jq . | less -SR
TODO: update the above query to match resources actually in use at TPO. That example is from koumbit.org folks.
Password management
If you need to set a password in a manifest, there are special functions to handle this. We do not want to store passwords directly in Puppet source code, for various reasons: it is hard to erase because code is stored in git, but also, ultimately, we want to publish that source code publicly.
We use Trocla for this purpose, which generates random passwords and stores the hash or, if necessary, the clear-text in a YAML file.
With Trocla, each password is generated on the fly from a secure
entropy source (Ruby's SecureRandom module) and stored inside a
state file (in /var/lib/trocla/trocla_data.yml
, configured
) on the Puppet master.
Trocla can return "hashed" versions of the passwords, so that the plain text password is never visible from the client. The plain text can still be stored on the Puppet master, or it can be deleted once it's been transmitted to the user or another password manager. This makes it possible to have Trocla not keep any secret at all.
This piece of code will generate a bcrypt-hashed password for the Grafana admin, for example:
$grafana_admin_password = trocla('grafana_admin_password', 'bcrypt')
The plain-text for that password will never leave the Puppet master. it will still be stored on the Puppet master, and you can see the value with:
trocla get grafana_admin_password plain
... on the command-line.
A password can also be set with this command:
trocla set grafana_guest_password plain
Note that this might erase other formats for this password, although those will get regenerated as needed.
Also note that trocla get
will fail if the particular password or
format requested does not exist. For example, say you generate a
plain-text password with and then get the bcrypt
trocla create test plain
trocla get test bcrypt
This will return the empty string instead of the hashed
version. Instead, use trocla create
to generate that password. In
general, it's safe to use trocla create
as it will reuse existing
password. It's actually how the trocla()
function behaves in Puppet
as well.
TODO: Trocla can provide passwords to classes transparently, without having to do function calls inside Puppet manifests. For example, this code:
class profile::grafana {
$password = trocla('profile::grafana::password', 'plain')
# ...
Could simply be expressed as:
class profile::grafana(String $password) {
# ...
But this requires a few changes:
- Trocla needs to be included in Hiera
- We need roles to be more clearly defined in Hiera, and use Hiera as an ENC so that we can do per-roles passwords (for example), which is not currently possible.
Getting information from other nodes
A common pattern in Puppet is to deploy resources on a given host with information from another host. For example, you might want to grant access to host A from host B. And while you can hardcode host B's IP address in host A's manifest, it's not good practice: if host B's IP address changes, you need to change the manifest, and that practice makes it difficult to introduce host C into the pool...
So we need ways of having a node use information from other nodes in our Puppet manifests. There are 5 methods in our Puppet source code at the time of writing:
- Exported resources
- PuppetDB lookups
- Puppet Query Language (PQL)
- LDAP lookups
- Hiera lookups
This section walks through how each method works, outlining the advantage/disadvantage of each.
Exported resources
Our Puppet configuration supports exported resources, a key component of complex Puppet deployments. Exported resources allow one host to define a configuration that will be exported to the Puppet server and then realized on another host.
We commonly use this to punch holes in the firewall between nodes. For
example, this manifest in the roles::puppetmaster
@@ferm::rule::simple { "roles::puppetmaster-${::fqdn}":
tag => 'roles::puppetmaster',
description => 'Allow Puppetmaster access to LDAP',
port => ['ldap', 'ldaps'],
saddr => $base::public_addresses,
... exports a firewall rule that will, later, allow the Puppet server
to access the LDAP server (hence the port => ['ldap', 'ldaps']
line). This rule doesn't take effect on the host applying the
class, but only on the LDAP server, through this
rather exotic syntax:
Ferm::Rule::Simple <<| tag == 'roles::puppetmaster' |>>
This tells the LDAP server to apply whatever rule was exported with
the @@
syntax and the specified tag
. Any Puppet resource can be
exported and realized that way.
Note that there are security implications with collecting exported resources: it delegates the resource specification of a node to another. So, in the above scenario, the Puppet master could decide to open other ports on the LDAP server (say, the SSH port), because it exports the port number and the LDAP server just blindly applies the directive. A more secure specification would explicitly specify the sensitive information, like so:
Ferm::Rule::Simple <<| tag == 'roles::puppetmaster' |>> {
port => ['ldap'],
But then a compromised server could send a different saddr
there's nothing the LDAP server could do here: it cannot override the
address because it's exactly the information we need from the other
PuppetDB lookups
A common pattern in Puppet is to extract information from host A and use it on host B. The above "exported resources" pattern can do this for files, commands and many more resources, but sometimes we just want a tiny bit of information to embed in a configuration file. This could, in theory, be done with an exported concat resource, but this can become prohibitively complicated for something as simple as an allowed IP address in a configuration file.
For this we use the puppetdbquery module, which allows us to do
elegant queries against PuppetDB. For example, this will extract the
IP addresses of all nodes with the roles::gitlab
class applied:
$allow_ipv4 = query_nodes('Class[roles::gitlab]', 'networking.ip')
$allow_ipv6 = query_nodes('Class[roles::gitlab]', 'networking.ip6')
This code, in profile::kgb_bot
, propagates those variables into a
template through the allowed_addresses
variable, which gets expanded
like this:
<% if $allow_addresses { -%>
<% $allow_addresses.each |String $address| { -%>
allow <%= $address %>;
<% } -%>
deny all;
<% } -%>
Note that there is a potential security issue with that approach. The same way that exported resources trust the exporter, we trust that the node exported the right fact. So it's in theory possible that a compromised Puppet node exports an evil IP address in the above example, granting access to an attacker instead of the proper node. If that is a concern, consider using LDAP or Hiera lookups instead.
Also note that this will eventually fail when the node goes down: after a while, resources are expired from the PuppetDB server and the above query will return an empty list. This seems reasonable: we do want to eventually revoke access to nodes that go away, but it's still something to keep in mind.
Keep in mind that the networking.ip
fact, in the above example,
might be incorrect in the case of a host that's behind NAT. In that
case, you should use LDAP or Hiera lookups.
Note that this could also be implemented with a concat
resource, but much harder because you would need some special case
when no resource is exported (to avoid adding the deny
) and take
into account that other configurations might also be needed in the
file. It would have the same security and expiry issues anyways.
Puppet query language
Note that there's also a way to do those queries without a Forge
module, through the Puppet query language and the
function. The problem with that approach is that the
function is not very well documented and the query syntax is somewhat
obtuse. For example, this is what I came up with to do the equivalent
of the query_nodes
call, above:
$allow_ipv4 = puppetdb_query(
['from', 'facts',
['=', 'name', 'networking.ip'],
['in', 'certname',
['extract', 'certname',
['=', 'type', 'Class'],
['=', 'title', 'roles::gitlab']]]]]]])
It seems like I did something wrong, because that returned an empty
array. I could not figure out how to debug this, and apparently I
needed more functions (like map
and filter
) to get what I wanted
(see this gist). I gave up at that point: the puppetdbquery
abstraction is much cleaner and usable.
If you are merely looking for a hostname, however, PQL might be a
little more manageable. For example, this is how the
class finds its backends to setup the
IPsec network:
$query = 'nodes[certname] { resources { type = "Class" and title = "Roles::Onionoo_backend" } }'
$peer_names = sort(puppetdb_query($query).map |$value| { $value["certname"] })
$peer_names.each |$peer_name| {
$network_tag = [$::fqdn, $peer_name].sort().join('::')
ipsec::network { "ipsec::${network_tag}":
peer_networks => $base::public_addresses
LDAP lookups
Our Puppet server is hooked up to the LDAP server and has information
about the hosts defined there. Information about the node running the
manifest is available in the global $nodeinfo
variable, but there is
also a $allnodeinfo
parameter with information about every host
known in LDAP.
A simple example of how to use the $nodeinfo
variable is how the
and base::public_address6
parameters -- which
represent the IPv4 and IPv6 public address of a node -- are
initialized in the base
class base(
Stdlib::IP::Address $public_address = filter_ipv4(getfromhash($nodeinfo, 'ldap', 'ipHostNumber'))[0],
Optional[Stdlib::IP::Address] $public_address6 = filter_ipv6(getfromhash($nodeinfo, 'ldap', 'ipHostNumber'))[0],
) {
$public_addresses = [ $public_address, $public_address6 ].filter |$addr| { $addr != undef }
This loads the ipHostNumber
field from the $nodeinfo
variable, and
uses the filter_ipv4
or filter_ipv6
functions to extract the IPv4
or IPv6 addresses respectively.
A good example of the $allnodeinfo
parameter is how the
class finds the IP addresses of its
backend. After having loaded the host list from PuppetDB, it then uses
the parameter to extract the IP address:
$backends = $peer_names.map |$name| {
$allnodeinfo[$name]['ipHostNumber'].filter |$a| { $a =~ Stdlib::IP::Address::V4 }[0]
] }.convert_to(Hash)
Such a lookup is considered more secure than going through PuppetDB as LDAP is a trusted data source. It is also our source of truth for this data, at the time of writing.
Hiera lookups
For more security-sensitive data, we should use a trusted data source
to extract information about hosts. We do this through Hiera lookups,
with the lookup function. A good example is how we populate the
SSH public keys on all hosts, for the admin user. In the
class, we do the following:
$keys = lookup('profile::admins::keys', Data, 'hash')
This will lookup the profile::admin::keys
field in Hiera, which is a
trusted source because under the control of the Puppet git repo. This
refers to the following data structure in hiera/common.yaml
type: "ssh-rsa"
pubkey: "AAAAB3[...]"
The key point with Hiera is that it's a "hierarchical" data structure, so each host can have its own override. So in theory, the above keys could be overridden per host. Similarly, the IP address information for each host could be stored in Hiera instead of LDAP. But in practice, we do not currently do this and the per-host information is limited.
Revoking and generating a new certificate for a host
Revocation procedures problems were discussed in 33587 and 33446.
Clean the certificate on the master
puppet cert clean host.torproject.org
Clean the certificate on the client:
find /var/lib/puppet/ssl -name host.torproject.org.pem -delete
Then run the bootstrap script on the client from
and get a new checksum -
on the master and pass the checksum -
puppet agent -t
to have puppet running on the client again.
Pager playbook
catalog run: PuppetDB warning: did not update since [...]
If you see an error like:
Check last node runs from PuppetDB WARNING - cupani.torproject.org did not update since 2020-05-11T04:38:54.512Z
It can also be eventually accompanied with the puppet server reporting the same problem:
Subject: ** PROBLEM Service Alert: pauli/puppet - all catalog runs is WARNING **
Check last node runs from PuppetDB WARNING - cupani.torproject.org did not update since 2020-05-11T04:38:54.512Z
One of the following is happening, in decreasing likeliness:
- the node's Puppet manifest has an error of some sort that makes it impossible to run the catalog
- the node is down and has failed to report since the last time specified
- the Puppet server is down and all nodes will fail to report in the same way (in which case a lot more warnings will show up, and other warnings about the server will come in)
The first situation will usually happen after someone pushed a commit introducing the error. We try to keep all manifests compiling all the time and such errors should be immediately fixed. Look at the history of the Puppet source tree and try to identify the faulty commit. Reverting such a commit is acceptable to restore the service.
The second situation can happen if a node is in maintenance for an extended duration. Normally, the node will recover when it goes back online. If a node is to be permanently retired, it should be removed from Puppet, using the host retirement procedures.
Finally, if the main Puppet server is down, it should definitely be brought back up. See disaster recovery, below.
In any case, running the Puppet agent on the affected node should give more information:
ssh NODE puppet agent -t
Problems pushing to the Puppet server
Normally, when you push new commits to the Puppet server, a hook runs and updates the working copy. But sometimes this fails with an error like:
remote: error: unable to unlink old 'modules/ipsec/misc/config.yaml': Permission denied.
The problem, in such cases, is that the files in the /etc/puppet/
checkout are not writable by your user. It could also happen that the
repository itself (in /srv/puppet.torproject.org/git/tor-puppet
could have permission issues.
This problem is described in issue 29663 and is due to someone not pushing properly before you. To fix the permissions, try:
sudo chown -R root:adm /etc/puppet
sudo chown :puppet /etc/puppet/secret
sudo chmod -R g+rw /etc/puppet
sudo chmod g-w /etc/puppet/secret
A similar recipe could be applied to the git repository, as needed. Hopefully this will be resolved when we start deploying with a role account instead.
Disaster recovery
Ideally, the main Puppet server would be deployable from Puppet bootstrap code and the main installer. But in practice, much of its configuration was done manually over the years and it MUST be restored from backups in case of failure.
This probably includes a restore of the PostgreSQL database backing the PuppetDB server as well. It's possible this step could be skipped in an emergency, because most of the information in PuppetDB is a cache of exported resources, reports and facts. But it could also break hosts and make converging the infrastructure impossible, as there might be dependency loops in exported resources.
In particular, the Puppet server needs access to the LDAP server, and that is configured in Puppet. So if the Puppet server needs to be rebuilt from scratch, it will need to be manually allowed access to the LDAP server to compile its manifest.
So it is strongly encouraged to restore the PuppetDB server database as well in case of disaster.
This also applies in case of an IP address change of the Puppet server, in which case access to the LDAP server needs to be manually granted before the configuration can run and converge. This is a known bootstrapping issue with the Puppet server and is further discussed in the design section.
This documents generally how things are setup.
Setting up a new Puppet server from scratch is not supported, or, to be more accurate, would be somewhat difficult. The server expects various external services to populate it with data, in particular:
- it fetches data from LDAP
- Nagios generates the NRPE configuration
- the letsencrypt repository manages the TLS certificates
The auto-ca component is also deployed manual, and so are the git hooks, repositories and permissions.
This needs to be documented, automated and improved. Ideally, it should be possible to install a new Puppet server from scratch using nothing but a Puppet bootstrap manifest, see issue 30770 and issue 29387, along with discussion about those improvements in this page, for details.
No formal SLA is defined. Puppet runs on a fairly slow cron
job so
doesn't have to be highly available right now. This could change in
the future if we rely more on it for deployments.
The Puppet server and PuppetDB currently live on pauli
. That server
was setup in 2011 by weasel. It follows the configuration of the
Debian Sysadmin (DSA) Puppet server, which has its source code
available in the dsa-puppet repository.
The service is maintained by TPA and manages all TPA-operated machines. Ideally, all services are managed by Puppet, but historically, only basic services were configured through Puppet, leaving service admins responsible for deploying their services on top of it. That tendency has shifted recently (~2020) with the deployment of the GitLab service through Puppet, for example.
The source code to the Puppet manifests (see below for a Glossary) is managed through git on a repository hosted directly on the Puppet server. Agents are deployed as part of the install process, and talk to the central server using a Puppet-specific certificate authority (CA).
As mentioned in the installation section, the Puppet server assumes a few components (namely LDAP, Nagios, Let's Encrypt and auto-ca) feed information into it. This is also detailed in the sections below. In particular, Puppet acts as a duplicate "source of truth" for some information about servers. For example, LDAP has a "purpose" field describing what a server is for, but Puppet also has the concept of a role, attributed through Hiera (see issue 30273). A similar problem exists with IP addresses and user access control, in general.
Puppet is generally considered stable, but the code base is somewhat showing its age and has accumulated some technical debt.
For example, much of the Puppet code deployed is specific to Tor (and DSA, to a certain extent) and therefore is only maintained by a handful of people. It would be preferable to migrate to third-party, externally maintained modules (e.g. systemd, but also many others, see issue 29387 for details). A similar problem exists with custom Ruby code implemented for various functions, which is being replaced with Hiera (issue 30020).
The Puppet infrastructure being kept up to date with the latest versions in Debian but will require some work to port to Puppet 6, as the current deployment system ("puppetmaster") has been removed in that new release (see issue 33588).
This is a subset of the Puppet glossary to quickly get you started with the vocabulary used in this document.
- Puppet node: a machine (virtual or physical) running Puppet
- Manifest: Puppet source code
- Catalog: a set of compiled of Puppet source which gets applied on a node by a Puppet agent
- Puppet agents: the Puppet program that runs on all nodes to apply manifests
- Puppet server: the server which all agents connect to to fetch their catalog, also known as a Puppet master in older Puppet versions (pre-6)
- Facts: information collected by Puppet agents on nodes, and exported to the Puppet server
- Reports: log of changes done on nodes recorded by the Puppet server
- PuppetDB server: an application server on top of a PostgreSQL database providing an API to query various resources like node names, facts, reports and so on
File layout
The Puppet server and PuppetDB server run on
. That is where the main git repository
) lives, in
. That repository has hooks
to populate /etc/puppet
which is the live checkout from which the
Puppet server compiles its catalogs.
All paths below are relative to the root of that git repository.
include modules that are shared publicly and do not contain any TPO-specific configuration. There is aPuppetfile
there that documents where each module comes from and that can be maintained with r10k or librarian. -
includes roles, profiles, and classes that make the bulk of our configuration. -
each node is assigned a "role" through Hiera, in
To be more accurate, Hiera assigns a Puppet class to each node, although each node should have only one special purpose class, a "role", see issue 40030 for progress on that transition.
module (modules/torproject_org/manifests/init.pp
) performs basic host initialisation, like configuring Debian mirrors and APT sources, installing a base set of packages, configuring puppet and timezone, setting up a bunch of configuration files and runningud-replicate
. -
There is also the
file (modules/torproject_org/misc/hoster.yaml
) which defines hosting providers and specifies things like which network blocks they use, if they have a DNS resolver or a Debian mirror.hoster.yaml
is read by- the
function (modules/puppetmaster/lib/puppet/parser/functions/nodeinfo.rb
), used for setting up the$nodeinfo
variable -
template (modules/ferm/templates/defs.conf.erb
- the
The root of definitions and execution is in Puppet is found in the
file, but this file is now mostly empty, in favor of Hiera.
Note that the above is the current state of the file hierarchy. As part Hiera transition (issue 30020), a lot of the above architecture will change in favor of the more standard role/profile/module pattern.
Note that this layout might also change in the future with the introduction of a role account (issue 29663) and when/if the repository is made public (which requires changing the layout).
See ticket #29387 for an in-depth discussion.
Installed packages facts
The modules/torproject_org/lib/facter/software.rb
file defines our
custom facts, making it possible to get answer to questions like "Is
this host running apache2
?" by simply looking at a puppet
Those facts are deprecated and we should instead install packages through Puppet instead of manually installing packages on hosts.
Style guide
Puppet manifests should generally follow the Puppet style guide. This can be easily done with Flycheck in Emacs, vim-puppet, or a similar plugin in your favorite text editor.
Many files do not currently follow the style guide, as they predate the creation of said guide. Files should not be completely reformatted unless there's a good reason. For example, if a conditional covering a large part of a file is removed and the file needs to be re-indented, it's a good opportunity to fix style in the file. Same if a file is split in two components or for some other reason completely rewritten.
Otherwise the style already in use in the file should be followed.
ENC stands for External Node Classifier. When implemented, as is the case here, it causes the Puppet server to request information about a node before a catalog is compiled.
It can be used on the Puppet server to define three elements about nodes:
Environment: is the standard way to assign nodes to a
Puppet environment. The default is
which is the only environment currently deployed. -
Parameters: is a hash where each key is made available as a
top-scope variable in a node's manifests. We use this assign a unique
role to each node. This role is in turn used to include a
class which should only consist of a set of profile classes. -
Classes: is an array of class names which Puppet includes
on the target node. We are currently transitioning from this method
of including classes on nodes (previously in Hiera) to the
parameter and unique role classes.
These elements are defined in /etc/puppet/hiera-enc/nodes/$fqdn.yaml
Role classes
Each host defined in the ENC declares which unique role it should be
attributed through the parameter
hash. For example, this is what
configures a GitLab runner:
- role: gitlab::runner
Roles should be abstract and not implementation specific. Each
role class includes a set of profiles which are implementation
specific. For example, the monitoring
role includes
and profile::grafana
As a temporary exception to this rule, old modules can be included as
we transition from the Hiera mechanism, but eventually those should
be ported to shared modules from the Puppet forge, with our glue built
into a profile on top of the third-party module. The role
follows that pattern correctly. See issue 40030 for
progress on that work.
Hiera is a "key/value lookup tool for configuration data" which Puppet uses to look up values for class parameters and node configuration in General.
We are in the process of transitioning over to this mechanism from our previous set of custom YAML lookup system. This documents the way we currently use Hiera.
Common configuration
Class parameters which are common across several or all roles can be
defined in hiera/common.yaml
to avoid duplication at the role level.
However, unless this parameter can be expected to change or evolve over time, it's sometimes preferable to hardcode some parameters directly in profile classes in order to keep this dataset from growing too much, which can impact performance of the Puppet server and degrade its readability. In other words, it's OK to place site-specific data in profile manifests, as long as it may never or very rarely change.
These parameters can be override by role and node configurations.
Role configuration
Class parameters specific to a certain node role are defined in
. This is the principal method by which we
configure the various profiles, thus shaping each of the roles we
These parameters can be override by node-specific configurations.
Node configuration
On top of the role configuration, some node-specific configuration can
be performed from Hiera. This should be avoided as much as possible,
but sometimes there is just no other way. A good example was the
nodes which included the following configuration:
bacula::client::ensure: "absent"
This disables backups on those machines, which are normally configured
everywhere. This is done because they are behind a firewall and
therefore not reachable, an unusual condition in the network. Another
example is nutans
which sits behind a NAT so it doesn't know its own
IP address. To export proper firewall rules, the allow address has
been overridden as such:
Those types of parameters are normally automatically guess inside modules' classes, but they are overriddable from Hiera.
Note: eventually all host configuration will be done here, but there
are currently still some configurations hardcoded in individual
modules. For example, the Bacula director is hardcoded in the bacula
base class (in modules/bacula/manifests/init.pp
). That should be
moved into a class parameter, probably in common.yaml
Cron and scheduling
The Puppet agent is not running as a daemon, it's running through
good old cron
Puppet runs on each node every four hour, although with a random 2h jitter, so the actual frequency is somewhere between 4 and 6 hours.
This configuration is in /etc/cron.d/puppet-crontab
and deployed by
Puppet itself, currently as part of the torproject_org
LDAP integration
The Puppet is configured to talk with Puppet through a few custom
functions defined in
. The main plumbing
function is called ldapinfo()
and connects to the LDAP server
through db.torproject.org
over TLS on port 636. It takes a hostname
as an argument and will load all hosts matching that pattern under the
subtree. If the specified hostname is
the *
wildcard, the result will be a hash of host => hash
otherwise only the hash
describing the provided host will be
The nodeinfo()
function uses that function to populate the global
hash available globally, or, more specifically, the
component. It also loads the $nodeinfo['hoster']
value from the whohosts()
function. That function, in turn, tries to
match the IP address of the host against the "hosters" defined in the
The allnodeinfo()
function does a similar task as nodeinfo()
except that it loads all nodes from LDAP, into a single hash. It
does not include the "hoster" and is therefore equivalent to calling
on each host and extracting only the ldap
member hash
(although it is not implemented that way).
Puppet does not require any special credentials to access the LDAP server. It accesses the LDAP database anonymously, although there is a firewall rule (defined in Puppet) that grants it access to the LDAP server.
There is a bootstrapping problem there: if one would be to rebuild the Puppet server, it would actually fail to compile its catalog because it would not be able to connect to the LDAP server to fetch its catalog, unless the LDAP server has been manually configured to let the Puppet server through.
NOTE: much (if not all?) of this is being moved into Hiera, in
particular the YAML files. See issue 30020 for details. Moving
the host information into Hiera would resolve the bootstrapping
issues, but would require, in turn some more work to resolve questions
like how users get granted access to individual hosts, which is
currently managed by ud-ldap
. We cannot, therefore, simply move host
information from LDAP into Hiera without creating a duplicate source
of truth without rebuilding or tweaking the user distribution
system. See also the LDAP design document for more information
about how LDAP works.
Nagios integration
Nagios (which is really Icinga, but let's call it Nagios because
that's how it's called everywhere in the source) is hooked into Puppet
through an external sync system. Our Nagios deployment operates
through Git hooks which run a special Makefile
that compiles and
deploys the Icinga configuration, but also compiles the client-side
NRPE configuration.
The NRPE configuration is generated on the Nagios server and then
pushed to the Puppet server with rsync
over SSH, using a public key
distributed by Puppet from the roles::puppetmaster
class. That key
has a restricted command
field which limits access to the Puppet
manifest, in this single file:
This file then gets distributed to all nodes through the
class using a simple File
So when a Nagios check is added or changed, Puppet needs to run on all the affected host for the check to take affect, on top of, of course, adding the check into the Nagios git repository.
Let's Encrypt TLS certificates
Public TLS certificates, as issued by Let's Encrypted, are distributed by Puppet. Those certificates are generated by the "letsencrypt" Git repository (see the TLS documentation for details on that workflow). The relevant part, as far as Puppet is concerned, is that certificates magically end up in the following directory when a certificate is issued or (automatically) renewed:
See also the TLS deployment docs for how that directory gets populated.
Normally, those files would not be available from the Puppet
manifests, but the ssl
Puppet module uses a special trick whereby
those files are read by Puppet .erb
templates. For example, this is
how .crt
files get generated on the Puppet master, in
fn = "/srv/puppet.torproject.org/from-letsencrypt/#{@name}.crt"
out = File.read(fn)
Similar templates exist for the other files.
Those certificates should not be confused with the "auto-ca" TLS
certificates in use internally and which are deployed directly in
, see below.
Internal auto-ca TLS certificates
The Puppet server also manages an internal CA which we informally call "auto-ca". Those certificates are internal in that they are used to authenticate nodes to each other, not to the public. They are used, for example, to encrypt connections between mail servers (in Postfix) and backup servers (in Bacula).
The auto-ca deploys those certificates directly inside the Puppet
server checkout, in /etc/puppet/modules/ssl/files/certs/
. Details of that system are available in the TLS documentation.
There is no issue tracker specifically for this project, File or search for issues in the team issue tracker component.
Monitoring and testing
Puppet is hooked into Nagios in two ways:
- one job runs on the Puppetmaster and checks PuppetDB for
reports. this was done with a patched version of the
check_puppetdb_nodes Nagios check, now packaged inside the
Debian package - another job runs on each Puppet node and will therefore work even
if the Puppetmaster dies for some reason. this is done with the
check_puppet_agent Nagios check, now also packaged inside the
Debian package
This was implemented in March 2019. An alternative implementation using Prometheus was considered but Prometheus still hasn't replaced Nagios at the time of writing.
There are no validation checks and a priori no peer review of code: code is directly pushed to the Puppet server without validation. Work is being done to implement automated checks but that is only being deployed on some clients for now.
Logs and metrics
PuppetDB itself holds performance information about the Puppet agent runs, which are called "reports". Those reports contain information about changes operated on each server, how long the agent runs take and so on. Those metrics could be made more visible by using a dashboard, but that has not been implemented yet (see issue 31969).
The Puppet server, Puppet agents and PuppetDB keep logs of their
operations. The latter keeps its logs in /var/log/puppetdb/
for a
maximum of 90 days or 1GB, whichever comes first (configured in
). The other logs are sent to syslog
, and
usually end up in daemon.log
Puppet should hold minimal personally identifiable information, like user names, user public keys and project names.
Other documentation
- Latest Puppet docs - might be too new, see also the Puppet 5.5 docs
- Mapping between versions of Puppet Entreprise, Facter, Hiera, Agent, etc
This section goes more in depth into how Puppet is setup, why it was setup the way it was, and how it could be improved.
Our Puppet setup dates back from 2011, according to the git history, and was probably based off the Debian System Administrator's Puppet codebase which dates back to 2009.
The general goal of Puppet is to provide basic automation across the architecture, so that software installation and configuration, file distribution, user and some service management is done from a central location, managed in a git repository. This approach is often called Infrastructure as code.
This section also documents possible improvements to our Puppet configuration that we are considering.
Must have
- secure: only sysadmins should have access to push configuration, whatever happens. this includes deploying only audited and verified Puppet code into production.
- code review: changes on servers should be verifiable by our peers, through a git commit log
- fix permissions issues: deployment system should allow all admins to push code to the puppet server without having to constantly fix permissions (e.g. trough a role account)
- secrets handling: there are some secrets in Puppet. those should remain secret.
We mostly have this now, although there are concerns about permissions being wrong sometimes, which a role account could fix.
Nice to have
Those are mostly issues with the current architecture we'd like to fix:
- Continuous Integration: before deployment, code should be vetted by a peer and, ideally, automatically checked for errors and tested
- single source of truth: when we add/remove nodes, we should not have to talk to multiple services (see also the install automation ticket and the new-machine discussion
- collaboration with other sysadmins outside of TPA, for which we would need to...
- ... publicize our code (see ticket 29387)
- no manual changes: every change on every server should be committed to version control somewhere
- bare-metal recovery: it should be possible to recover a service's configuration from a bare Debian install with Puppet (and with data from the backup service of course...)
- one commit only: we shouldn't have to commit "twice" to get changes propagated (once in a submodule, once in the parent module, for example)
- ad hoc changes to the infrastructure. one-off jobs should be handled by fabric, Cumin, or straight SSH.
Approvals required
TPA should approve policy changes as per tpa-rfc-1.
Proposed Solution
To improve on the above "Goals", I would suggest the following configuration.
- Use a control repository
- Get rid of 3rdparty
- Deploy with g10k
- Authenticate with checksums
- Deploy to branch-specific environments
- Rename the default branch "production"
- Push directly on the Puppet server
- Use a role account
- Use local test environments
- Develop a test suite
- Hook into CI
- OpenPGP verification and web hook
Steps 1-8 could be implemented without too much difficulty and should be a mid term objective. Steps 9 to 12 require significantly more work and could be implemented once the new infrastructure stabilizes.
What follows is an explanation and justification of each step.
Use a control repository
The base of the infrastructure is a control-repo (example, another more complex example) which chain-loads all the other modules. This implies turning all our "modules" into "profiles" and moving "real" modules (which are fit for public consumption) "outside", into public repositories (see also issue 29387: publish our puppet repository).
Note that the control repository could also be public: we could simply have the private data inside of Hiera or some other private repository.
The control repository concept is specific to the proprietary version of Puppet (Puppet Enterprise or PE) but its logic should be usable with the open source Puppet release as well.
Get rid of 3rdparty
The control repo's core configuration file is the Puppetfile
. We
already use a Puppetfile, but only to manage modules inside of the
directory. Now it would manage all modules, or, more
specifically, 3rdparty
would become the default modules
which would, incidentally, encourage us to upstream our modules and
publish them to the world.
Our current modules
directory would move into site-modules
, which
is the designated location for "roles, profiles, and custom
modules". This has been suggested before in issue 29387: publish our
puppet repository) and is important for the Puppetfile
to do its
Deploy with g10k
It seems clear that everyone is converging over the use of a
to deploy code. While there are still monorepos out
there, but they do make our life harder, especially when we need to
operate on non-custom modules.
Instead, we should converge towards not following upstream modules
in our git repository. Modules managed by the Puppetfile
would not
be managed in our git monorepo and, instead, would be deployed by
or g10k
(most likely the latter because of its support for
Note that neither r10k
or g10k
resolve dependencies in a
. We therefore also need a tool to verify the file
correctly lists all required modules. The following solutions need to
be validated but could address that issue:
generate-puppetfile: take a
and walk the dependency tree, generating a newPuppetfile
(see also this introduction to the project) -
Puppetfile-updater: read the
and fetch new releases -
ra10ke: a bunch of Rake tasks to validate a
: syntax check, see alsor10k puppetfile check
: check for out of date dependencies -
: check for missing dependencies -
: wrapper aroundr10k
to install with some caveats -
: make sure modules are accessible -
: look for duplicate declarations
lp2r10k: convert "librarian"
(missing dependencies) into a "r10k"Puppetfile
(with dependencies)
Note that this list comes from the updating your Puppetfile documentation in the r10k project, which is also relevant here.
Authenticate code with checksums
This part is the main problem with moving away from a monorepo. By
using a monorepo, we can audit the code we push into production. But
if we offload this to r10k
, it can download code from wherever the
says, effectively shifting our trust path from OpenSSH
to HTTPS, the Puppet Forge, git and whatever remote gets added to the
There is no obvious solution for this right now, surprisingly. Here are two possible alternatives:
g10k supports using a
parameter to checksum modules, but that only works for Forge modules. Maybe we could pair this with using an explicitsha1
reference for git repository, ensuring those are checksummed as well. The downside of that approach is that it leaves checked out git repositories in a "detached head" state. -
has a pending pull request to add afilter_command
directive which could run after a git checkout has been performed. it could presumably be used to verify OpenPGP signatures on git commits, although this would work only on modules we sign commits on (and therefore not third party)
It seems the best approach would be to use g10k for now with checksums on both git commit and forge modules.
A validation hook running before g10k COULD validate that all mod
lines have a checksum
of some sort...
Note that this approach does NOT solve the "double-commit" problem identified in the Goals. It is believed that only a "monorepo" would fix that problem and that approach comes in direct conflict with the "collaboration" requirement. We chose the latter.
This could be implemented as a patch to ra10ke
Deploy to branch-specific environments
A key feature of r10k (and, of course, g10k) is that they are capable of deploying code to new environments depending on the branch we're working on. We would enable that feature to allow testing some large changes to critical code paths without affecting all servers.
Rename the default branch "production"
In accordance with Puppet's best practices, the control repository's default branch would be called "production" and not "master".
Also: Black Lives Matter.
Push directly on the Puppet server
Because we are worried about the GitLab attack surface, we could still keep on pushing to the Puppet server for now. The control repository could be mirrored to GitLab using a deploy key. All other repositories would be published on GitLab anyways, and there the attack surface would not matter because of the checksums in the control repository.
Use a role account
To avoid permission issues, use a role account (say git
) to accept
pushes and enforce git hooks.
Use local test environments
It should eventually be possible to test changes locally before pushing to production. This would involve radically simplifying the Puppet server configuration and probably either getting rid of the LDAP integration or at least making it optional so that changes can be tested without it.
This would involve "puppetizing" the Puppet server configuration so that a Puppet server and test agent(s) could be bootstrapped automatically. Operators would run "smoke tests" (running Puppet by hand and looking at the result) to make sure their code works before pushing to production.
Develop a test suite
The next step is to start working on a test suite for services, at
least for new deployments, so that code can be tested without running
things by hand. Plenty of Puppet modules have such test suite,
generally using rspec-puppet and rspec-puppet-facts, and we
already have a few modules in 3rdparty
that have such tests. The
idea would be to have those tests on a per-role or per-profile basis.
The Foreman people have published their test infrastructure which could be useful as inspiration for our purposes here.
Hook into continuous integration
Once tests are functional, the last step is to move the control repository into GitLab directly and start running CI against the Puppet code base. This would probably not happen until GitLab CI is deployed, and would require lots of work to get there, but would eventually be worth it.
The GitLab CI would be indicative: an operator would need to push to a topic branch there first to confirm tests pass but would still push directly to the Puppet server for production.
Note that we are working on (client-side) validation hooks for now, see issue 31226.
OpenPGP verification and web hook
To stop pushing directly to the Puppet server, we could implement OpenPGP verification on the control repository. If a hook checks that commits are signed by a trusted party, it does not matter where the code is hosted.
A good reference for OpenPGP verification is this guix article which covers a few scenarios and establishes a pretty solid verification workflow. There's also a larger project-wide discussion in GitLab issue 81.
We could use the webhook system to have GitLab notify the Puppet server to pull code.
Alternatives considered
Ansible was considered for managing GitLab for a while, but this was eventually abandoned in favor of using Puppet and the "Omnibus" package.
For ad hoc jobs, fabric is being used.
For code management, I have done a more extensive review of possible alternatives. This talk is a good introduction for git submodule, librarian and r10k. Based on that talk and these slide, I've made the following observations:
This is our current approach, which is that all code is committed in one monolithic repository. This effectively makes it impossible to share code outside of the repository with anyone else because there is private data inside, but also because it doesn't follow the standard role/profile/modules separation that makes collaboration possible at all. To work around that, I designed a workflow where we locally clone subrepos as needed, but this is clunky as it requires to commit every change twice: one for the subrepo, one for the parent.
Our giant monorepo also mixes all changes together which can be an pro and a con: on the one hand it's easy to see and audit all changes at once, but on the other hand, it can be overwhelming and confusing.
But it does allow us to integrate with librarian right now and is a good stopgap solution. A better solution would need to solve the "double-commit" problem and still allow us to have smaller repositories that we can collaborate on outside of our main tree.
The talk partially covers how difficult git submodules
work and how
hard they are to deal with. I say partially because submodules are
even harder to deal with than the examples she gives. She shows how
submodules are hard to add and remove, because the metadata is stored
in stored in multiple locations (.gitsubmodules
, .git/config
and the submodule repository itself).
She also mentions submodules don't know about dependencies and it's likely you will break your setup if you forget one step. (See this post for more examples.)
In my experience, the biggest annoyance with submodules is the "double-commit" problem: you need to make commits in the submodule, then redo the commits in the parent repository to chase the head of that submodule. This does not improve on our current situation, which is that we need to do those two commits anyways in our giant monorepo.
One advantage with submodules is that they're mostly standard: everyone knows about them, even if they're not familiar and their knowledge is reusable outside of Puppet.
Librarian is written in ruby. It's built on top of another library called librarian that is used by Ruby's bundler. At the time of the talk, was "pretty active" but unfortunately, librarian now seems to be abandoned so we might be forced to use r10k in the future, which has a quite different workflow.
One problem with librarian right now is that librarian update
any existing git subrepo and re-clones it from scratch. If you have
temporary branches that were not pushed remotely, all of those are
lost forever. That's really bad and annoying! it's by design: it
"takes over your modules directory", as she explains in the talk and
everything comes from the Puppetfile.
Librarian does resolve dependencies recursively and store the decided versions in a lockfile which allow us to "see" what happens when you update from a Puppetfile.
But there's no cryptographic chain of trust between the repository where the Puppetfile is and the modules that are checked out. Unless the module is checked out from git (which isn't the default), only version range specifiers constrain which code is checked out, which gives a huge surface area for arbitrary code injection in the entire puppet infrastructure (e.g. MITM, forge compromise, hostile upstream attacks)
r10k was written because librarian was too slow for large
deployments. But it covers more than just managing code: it also
manages environments and is designed to run on the Puppet master. It
doesn't have dependency resolution or a Puppetfile.lock
however. See this ticket, closed in favor of that one.
r10k is more complex and very opiniated: it requires lots of configuration including its own YAML file, hooks into the Puppetmaster and can take a while to deploy. r10k is still in active development and is supported by Puppetlabs, so there's official documentation in the Puppet documentation.
Often used in conjunction with librarian for dependency resolution.
One cool feature is that r10k allows you to create dynamic environments based on branch names. All you need is a single repo with a Puppetfile and r10k handles the rest. The problem, of course, is that you need to trust it's going to do the right thing. There's the security issue, but there's also the problem of resolving dependencies and you do end up double-committing in the end if you use branches in sub-repositories. But maybe that is unavoidable.
(Note that there are ways of resolving dependencies with external tools, like generate-puppetfile (introduction) or this hack that reformats librarian output or those rake tasks. there's also a go rewrite called g10k that is much faster, but with similar limitations.)
git subtree
This article mentions git subtrees from the point of view of Puppet management quickly. It outline how it's cool that the history of the subtree gets merged as is in the parent repo, which gives us the best of both world (individual, per-module history view along with a global view in the parent repo). It makes, however, rebasing in subtrees impossible, as it breaks the parent merge. You do end up with some of the disadvantages of the monorepo in the all the code is actually committed in the parent repo and you do have to commit twice as well.
The git-subrepo is "an improvement from git-submodule
". It is a mix between a monorepo and a submodule system,
with modules being stored in a .gitrepo
file. It is somewhat less
well known than the other alternatives, presumably because it's newer?
It is entirely written in bash
, which I find somewhat scary. It is
not packaged in Debian yet but might be soon.
It works around the "double-commit issue" by having a special git subrepo commit
command that "does the right thing". That, in general,
is its major flaw: it reproduces many git commands like init
, pull
as subcommands, so you need to remember which command
to run. To quote the (rather terse) manual:
All the subrepo commands use names of actual Git commands and try to do operations that are similar to their Git counterparts. They also attempt to give similar output in an attempt to make the subrepo usage intuitive to experienced Git users.
Please note that the commands are not exact equivalents, and do not take all the same arguments
Still, its feature set is impressive and could be the perfect mix between the "submodules" and "subtree" approach of still keeping a monorepo while avoiding the double-commit issue.
myrepos is one of many solutions to manage multiple git repositories. It has been used in the past at my old workplace (Koumbit.org) to manage and checkout multiple git repositories.
Like Puppetfile without locks, it doesn't enforce cryptographic integrity between the master repositories and the subrepositories: all it does is define remotes and their locations.
Like r10k it doesn't handle dependencies and will require extra setup, although it's much lighter than r10k.
Its main disadvantage is that it isn't well known and might seem esoteric to people. It also has weird failure modes, but could be used in parallel with a monorepo. For example, it might allow us to setup specific remotes in subdirectories of the monorepo automatically.
Summary table
Approach | Pros | Cons | Summary |
Monorepo | Simple | Double-commit | Status quo |
Submodules | Well-known | Hard to use, double-commit | Not great |
Librarian | Dep resolution client-side | Unmaintained, bad integration with git | Not sufficient on its own |
r10k | Standard | Hard to deploy, opiniated | To evaluate further |
Subtree | "best of both worlds" | Still get double-commit, rebase problems | Not sure it's worth it |
Subrepo | subtree + optional | Unusual, new commands to learn | To evaluate further |
myrepos | Flexible | Esoteric | might be useful with our monorepo |
Best practices survey
I made a survey of the community (mostly the shared puppet modules and Voxpupuli groups) to find out what the best current practices are.
Koumbit uses foreman/puppet but pinned at version 10.1 because it is
the last one supporting "passenger" (the puppetmaster deployment
method currently available in Debian, deprecated and dropped from
puppet 6). They patched it to support puppetlabs/apache < 6
They push to a bare repo on the puppet master, then they have
validation hooks (the inspiration for our own hook implementation, see
issue 31226), and a hook deploys the code to the right branch.
They were using r10k but stopped because they had issues when r10k would fail to deploy code atomically, leaving the puppetmaster (and all nodes!) in an unusable state. This would happen when their git servers were down without a locally cached copy. They also implemented branch cleanup on deletion (although that could have been done some other way). That issue was apparently reported against r10k but never got a response. They now use puppet-librarian in their custom hook. Note that it's possible r10k does not actually have that issue because they found the issue they filed and it was... against librarian!
Some people in #voxpupuli seem to use the Puppetlabs Debian packages and therefore puppetserver, r10k and puppetboards. Their Monolithic master architecture uses an external git repository, which pings the puppetmaster through a webhook which deploys a control-repo (example) and calls r10k to deploy the code. They also use foreman as a node classifier. that procedure uses the following modules:
- puppet/puppetserver
- puppetlabs/puppet_agent
- puppetlabs/puppetdb
- puppetlabs/puppet_metrics_dashboard
- voxpupuli/puppet_webhook
- r10k or g10k
- Foreman
They also have a master of masters architecture for scaling to larger setups. For scaling, I have found this article to be more interesting, that said.
So, in short, it seems people are converging towards r10k with a web hook. To validate git repositories, they mirror the repositories to a private git host.
After writing this document, anarcat decided to try a setup with a
"control-repo" and g10k
, because the latter can cryptographically
verify third-party repositories, either through a git hash or tarball
checksum. There's still only a single environment (I haven't
implemented the "create an environment on a new branch" hook). And it
often means two checkins when we work on shared modules, but that can
be alleviated by skipping the cryptographic check and trusting
transport by having the Puppetfile chase a branch name instead of a
checksum, during development. In production, of course, a checksum can
then be pinned again, but that is the biggest flaw in that workflow.
Other alternatives
- josh: "Combine the advantages of a monorepo with those of multirepo setups by leveraging a blazingly-fast, incremental, and reversible implementation of git history filtering."
- lerna: Node/JS multi-project management
- lite: git repo splitter
- git-subsplit: "Automate and simplify the process of managing one-way read-only subtree splits"