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Mandos is a means to give LUKS keys to machines that want to boot but have an encrypted rootfs.
Here's how you add a new client to our setup:
add a new key to the LUKS partition and prepare mandos snippet:
echo 'encrypted (root/lvm/..) device (e.g. /dev/sda2 or /dev/mb/pv_nvme): ' && read DEVICE && apt install -y haveged mandos-client && (grep /etc/mandos/plugin-runner.conf || echo '--options-for=mandos-client:--connect=' | tee -a /etc/mandos/plugin-runner.conf) && umask 077 && t=`tempfile` && dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=128 of="$t" && cryptsetup luksAddKey $DEVICE "$t" && mandos-keygen --passfile "$t"
add the output of
from above to/etc/mandos/clients.conf
on the mandos-server andservice mandos restart
andpuppet agent -t
(to update the firewall after you added the host to ldap) and enable the node withmandos-ctl --enable FQDN
add the machine to the
class in Puppet -
rebuild the initrd on the new host
update-initramfs -u
and reboot