title: How make website changes
How to change the website
The Tor website is hosted at several computers for redundancy, and these computers are together called "the www rotation". The www rotation serves a variety of other websites too, like extra.tp.o, dist.tp.o, and more.
How do you edit one of these websites? Let's say you want to edit extra
First you ssh in to
(using an ssh jump host if needed) -
Then you make your edits as desired to
When you're ready, you run this command to sync your changes to the www rotation:
sudo -u mirroradm static-update-component extra.torproject.org
Example: You want to copy image.png from your Desktop to your blog
post indexed as 2017-01-01-new-blog-post
scp /home/user/Desktop/image.png staticiforme.torproject.org:/srv/extra-master.torproject.org/htdocs/blog/2017-01-01-new-blog-post/
ssh staticiforme.torproject.org sudo -u mirroradm static-update-component extra.torproject.org
Which sites are static?
The complete list of websites served by the www rotation is not easy to figure out, because we move some of the static sites around from time to time. But you can learn which websites are considered "static", i.e. you can use the above steps to edit them, via:
ssh staticiforme cat /etc/static-components.conf
How does this work?
If you're a sysadmin and wondering how that stuff work or do anything back there, look at howto/static-component.