title: LVM cheat sheet
Create the VG consisting of 2 block devices (a slow and a fast)
apt install lvm2 &&
vg="vg_$(hostname)" &&
cat /proc/partitions &&
echo -n 'slow disk: ' && read slow &&
echo -n 'fast disk: ' && read fast &&
vgcreate "$vg" "$slow" "$fast"
Create the srv LV, but leave a few (like 50?) extents empty on the slow disk. (lvconvert needs this extra free space later. That's probably a bug.)
pvdisplay &&
echo -n "#extents: " && read extents &&
lvcreate -l "$extents" -n srv "$vg" "$slow"
The -cache-meta disk should be 1/1000 the size of the -cache LV. (if it is slightly more that also shouldn't hurt.)
lvcreate -L 100MB -n srv-cache-meta "$vg" "$fast" &&
lvcreate -l '100%FREE' -n srv-cache "$vg" "$fast"
setup caching
lvconvert --type cache-pool --cachemode writethrough --poolmetadata "$vg"/srv-cache-meta "$vg"/srv-cache
lvconvert --type cache --cachepool "$vg"/srv-cache "$vg"/srv
Disabling / Recovering from a cache failure
If for some reason the cache LV is destroyed or loss (typically by naive operator error), it might be possible to restore the original LV functionality with:
lvconvert --uncache vg_colchicifolium/srv
Assume we want to grow this partition to take the available free space in the PV:
root@vineale:/srv# lvs
LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
srv vg_vineale -wi-ao---- 35,00g
root@vineale:/srv# pvs
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sdb vg_vineale lvm2 a-- 40,00g 5,00g
root@vineale:~# pvdisplay
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb
VG Name vg_vineale
PV Size 40,00 GiB / not usable 4,00 MiB
Allocatable yes
PE Size 4,00 MiB
Total PE 10239
Free PE 1279
Allocated PE 8960
PV UUID CXKO15-Wze1-xY6y-rOO6-Tfzj-cDSs-V41mwe
extend the volume group
The procedures below assume there is free space on the volume group for the operation. If there isn't you will need to add disks to the volume group, and grow the physical volume. For example:
pvcreate /dev/md123
vgextend vg_vineale /dev/md123
If the underlying disk was grown magically without your intervention, which happens in virtual hosting environments, you can also just extend the physical volume:
pvresize /dev/sdb
Note that if there's an underlying crypto layer, it needs to be resized as well:
cryptsetup resize $DEVICE_LABEL
In this case, the $DEVICE_LABEL
is the device's name in
, not the device name. For example, it would be
, not /dev/sdb
See also the upstream documentation.
online procedure (ext3 and later)
Online resize has been possible ever since ext3 came out and it considered reliable enough for use. If you are unsure that you can trust that procedure, or if you have an ext2 filesystem, do not use this procedure and see the ext2 procdure below instead.
To resize the partition to take up all available free space, you should do the following:
extend the partition, in case of a logical volume:
lvextend vg_vineale/srv -L +5G
This might miss some extents, however. You can use the extent notation to take up all free space instead:
lvextend vg_vineale/srv -l +1279
If the partition sits directly on disk, use
command orfdisk
to resize that first.To resize to take all available free space:
lvextend vg_vineale/srv -l '+%100FREE'
resize the filesystem:
resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg_vineale-srv
That's it! The resize2fs
program automatically determines the size
of the underlying "partition" (the logical volume, in most cases) and
fixes the filesystem to fill the space.
Note that the resize process can take a while. Growing an active 20TB
partition to 30TB took about 5 minutes, for example. The -p
that could show progress only works in the "offline" procedure (below).
offline procedure (ext2)
To resize the partition to take up all available free space, you should do the following:
stop services and processes using the partition (will obviously vary):
service apache2 stop
unmount the filesystem:
umount /srv
check the filesystem:
fsck -y -f /dev/mapper/vg_vineale-srv
extend the filesystem using the extent notation to take up all available space:
lvextend vg_vineale/srv -l +1279
grow the filesystem (
is for "show progress"):resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/vg_vineale-srv
recheck the filesystem:
fsck -f -y /dev/mapper/vg_vineale-srv
remount the filesystem and start processes:
mount /srv service apache2 start
Shrinking the filesystem is also possible, but is more risky. It is very important to reduce the size of the filesystem before resizing the size of the logical volume, so the order of the steps below is critical.
unmount the filesystem:
umount /mnt
If that's not possible because the filesystem is in use, you'll need to stop processes using it. If that's possible (for example when resizing
), you'll need to reboot in a separate operating system first. -
forcibly check the filesystem:
e2fsck -fy /dev/sdX
shrink the filesystem:
resize2fs /dev/sdX 5G
shrink the logical volume, to reduce to 5G:
lvreduce -L 5G vg/mnt
to reduce by 5G:
lvreduce -L -5G vg/mnt
WARNING: make sure the resulting size matches exactly the one specified in the
command above. For more precision,resize2fs
can both accept an argument (s
) in "sectors" (512 bytes). -
tell ext to resize the filesystem again:
resize2fs /dev/sdX
NOTE: no size argument here!
check the filesystem again:
e2fsck -fy /dev/sdX
if you want to resize the underlying device (for example, if this is a LVM inside a virtual machine on top of another LVM), you can also shrink the parent logical volume, physical volume, and crypto device (if relevant) at this point.
lvreduce -L 5G vg/hostname pvresize /dev/sdY cryptsetup resize DEVICE_LABEL
WARNING: this last step has not been tested.
New logical volume with bind mount
Assuming a situation where the root LV is full and want to add a new volume and move part of the existing filesystem in it. We also assume that we have available free space in the existing volume group.
Create the new LV, we'll call it srv
since it will be mounted at
lvcreate -n srv -l50G vg_ganeti
mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vg_ganeti/srv
Mount the new volume at a temporary location:
mkdir /mnt/srv
mount /dev/vg_ganeti/srv /mnt/srv
Then stop any services that might be using the data that we're about to move to its new home:
systemctl stop gitlab-runner docker
Move data around, recreate mount point and unmount the temp location:
mv /var/lib/docker /mnt/srv
mkdir /var/lib/docker
umount /mnt/srv
Adjust /etc/fstab
echo "UUID=$(blkid /dev/vg_ganeti/srv -o value -s UUID) /srv ext4 defaults 1 2" >> /etc/fstab
echo "/srv/docker /var/lib/docker none bind 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
Reload systemd and local-fs.target to regenerate .mount services:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl reload local-fs.target
Verify that the new volume is mounted correctly and restart services:
systemctl start docker gitlab-runner