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  • anarcat's avatar
    clarify what happens on lock vs email · a4eec8c4
    anarcat authored
    I tested this by locking `aguestuser`'s account (tpo/tpa/team#40772),
    and running ud-generate on alberti. The user was still present on
    alberti in: `/var/cache/userdir-ldap/hosts/forward-alias`.
    clarify what happens on lock vs email
    anarcat authored
    I tested this by locking `aguestuser`'s account (tpo/tpa/team#40772),
    and running ud-generate on alberti. The user was still present on
    alberti in: `/var/cache/userdir-ldap/hosts/forward-alias`.

"Retiring" a user can actually mean two things:

  • "retired", which disables their access to Tor hosts but keeps email working and then automatically stops after 186 days

  • "disabled", which immediately disables everything

At least, that's in theory: in practice, the userdir-ldap code seems to just immediately disable a user when we "lock" it, so that distinction doesn't actually exist and it is unclear where the above actually is coming from.

How to retire a user

Typically, the first step in retiring a user is to "lock" their user account, which keeps them from logging in. But the user still lives in the LDAP database, and it might be better to delete it completely. The user also needs to be checked against all other services that might have their own account database.

Locking an account

So the first step is to lock the account (as in howto/ldap):

ssh ud-lock account

A ticket number can be provided with -r and another state (than "retired") can be specified with -s, for example:

ud-lock -r tpo/tpa/team#666 -s inactive account

Note that this only keeps the user from accessing servers, it does not remove the actual account from LDAP nor does it remove it from the passwd database on servers. This is because the user might still own files and we do not want to have files un-owned.

It also does not remove the email alias (the emailForward field in LDAP), for that you need to delete the account altogether.

Deleting an account

You may also want to delete the user if it's clear they are unlikely to come back again. For this, the actual LDAP entries for the user must be removed with ldapvi, but only after the files for that user have been destroyed or given to another user.

Note that it's unclear if we should add an email alias in the virtual file when the account expires, see ticket #32558 for details.

Retiring from other services

Then you need to go through the service list and pay close attention to the services that have "authentication" enabled in the list.

In particular, you will want to:

  1. Login as admin to GitLab, disable the user account, and remove them from critical groups. another option is to block or ban a user as well.

  2. Remove the user from aliases in the virtual alias map (modules/postfix/files/virtual in tor-puppet.git)

  3. remove the user from mailing lists, on eugeni:

    sudo remove_members <list names> <email address>
  4. grep for the username in tor-puppet.git, typically you may find a sudo entry

  5. remove the key from acccount-keyring.git

There are other manual accounts that are not handled by LDAP. Make sure you check:

TODO: list is incomplete, need to audit the service list and see which services are in LDAP and which aren't. See ticket #32519.

How to un-retire a user

To reverse the above, if the user was just "locked", you might be able to re-enable it by doing the following:

  • delete the accountStatus, shadowExpire fields
  • add the keyFingerprint field matching the (trusted) fingerprint (from account-keyring.git)
  • change the user's password to something that is not locked

To set a password, you need to find a way to generate a salted UNIX hashed password, and there are many ways to do that, but if you have a copy of the userdir-ldap source code lying around, this could just do it:

>>> from userdir_ldap.ldap import HashPass, GenPass
>>> print("{crypt}" + HashPass(GenPass()))

If the user was completely deleted from the LDAP database, you need to restore those LDAP fields the way they were before. You can do this by either restoring from the howto/LDAP database (no, that is not fun at all -- be careful to avoid duplicate fields when you re-add them in ldapvi) OR just create a new user.