8. run `./tsa-misc/installer/tor-install-hetzner` (the ipv6 address prefix you find on the web interface. Make it end in `::1`)
8. run `./tsa-misc/installer/tor-install-hetzner` (the ipv6 address
prefix you find on the web interface. Make it end in `::1`)
TODO: merge script with the [[new-machine-hetzner-robot]]
9. once done, note down all the info and reboot the VM: `reboot`
10. `ssh -o FingerprintHash=sha1 root@<ipaddr>` to unlock the host, (to compare ssh's base64 output to dropbear's b16, you can use `perl -MMIME::Base64 -e '$h = unpack("H*", decode_base64(<>)); $h =~ s/(..)(?=.)/\1:/g; print $h, "\n"'` to convert base64 to base16.