@@ -566,35 +566,42 @@ This procedure is kept for historical purposes only.
If a repository is, for some reason (typically security), not hosted
on GitLab, it can still be mirrored there. A typical example is the
Puppet repository (see [TPA-RFC-76](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/wikis/policy/tpa-rfc-76-puppet-merge-request-workflow)). To mirror the repository, you
need (make sure to run this as the user which hosts the repository,
typically `git`):
Puppet repository (see [TPA-RFC-76](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/tpa/team/-/wikis/policy/tpa-rfc-76-puppet-merge-request-workflow)).
1. create the repository in GitLab, possibly private itself (but
sometimes it's fine if it's public as well)
The following instructions assume you are mirroring a *private
repository* from a host (`alberti.torproject.org` in this case) where
users typically push in a sandbox user (`git` in this case). We also
assume you have a local clone of the repository you can operate from.
1. add the GitLab remote on the private repository:
1. Create the repository in GitLab, possibly private itself, this can
be done by adding a remote and pushing *from the local clone*: