@@ -107,38 +107,50 @@ which look like a styled, curly, and closing quotation mark `”`.
## Email interactions
You can interact with GitLab by email too.
### Creating a new issue
Clicking on the per project issues gives a link at the bottom of the page, say "Email a new issue to this project".
That link should go into the From of your email. The subject is the title of the issue and the body the description. You can start right away using shortcuts in the body, like /assign @foo, /estimate 1d etc. (see: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/managing_issues.html#new-issue-via-email for more details)
### Adding a comment to an existing issue
Clicking on the project issues gives a link at the bottom of the page,
which says say "Email a new issue to this project".
That link should go into the "To" field of your email. The email
subject becomes the title of the issue and the body the
description. You can use shortcuts in the body, like `/assign @foo`,
`/estimate 1d`, etc.
See [the upstream docs for more details](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/managing_issues.html#new-issue-via-url-with-prefilled-fields).
### Replying to an existing comment
If you just reply to the particular comment notification you received
by email, as you would reply to an email in a thread, that comment
will show up in the issue.
You need to have email notifications enabled for this to work, naturally.
Replying to an existing comment
See [the upstream docs for more details](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/reply_by_email.html).
You need to have notifications enabled for this part and then just reply to the particular comment as you would reply to an email in a thread (see: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/reply_by_email.html for more details)
### Creating a new comment
Creating a new comment
This is not easily doable right now (see: [issue 18816
upstream](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/18816)). However, if you have notifications enabled, you can
reply to any notification email of the issue by replacing everything
that would get quoted with the comment you want to add.
This is not easily doable right now (see:
https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/18816). However, it
works if you have notifications enabled and then reply to any
notification email for the issue of interest by replacing everything
that would get quoted with the comment you want to add. This works as
well with shortcuts like /estimate 1d or /spend -1h (note: for those
you won't get notification emails back, though, while for others like
/assign @foo you would).
This also works with shortcuts like `/estimate 1d` or `/spend
-1h`. Note: for those you won't get notification emails back, though,
while for others like `/assign @foo` you would.
### Using quick actions to update an issue
### Quick status updates by email
There are a bunch of quick actions available which are handy to update
an issue (see:
https://gitlab.torproject.org/help/user/project/quick_actions.md). As
mentioned above they can be sent by email as well, both within a
comment (be it as a reply to a previous one or in a new one) or just
instead of it. So, if you for example want to update the amount of
time spent on ticket $foo by one hours, find any notification email
for that issue and reply to it by replacing any quoted text with
"/spend 1h".
There are a bunch of [quick actions](https://gitlab.torproject.org/help/user/project/quick_actions.md) available which are handy to
update an issue. As mentioned above they can be sent by email as well,
both within a comment (be it as a reply to a previous one or in a new
one) or just instead of it. So, for example, if you want to update the
amount of time spent on ticket $foo by one hour, find any notification
email for that issue and reply to it by replacing any quoted text with
`/spend 1h`.
## How to migrate a Git repository from legacy to GitLab?