@@ -71,6 +71,57 @@ These could probably be merged into the cluster init, but just to document what
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:migration_bandwidth=950
gnt-cluster modify -H kvm:migration_downtime=500
Note that we might want to tweak the `cpu_type` parameter. By default,
it emulates a lot of processing that can be delegated to the host CPU
instead. If we use `kvm:cpu_type=host`, then each node will tailor the
emulation system to the CPU on the node. But that might make the live
migration more brittle: VMs or processes can crash after a live
migrate because of a slightly different configuration (microcode, CPU,
kernel and QEMU versions all play a role). So we need to find the
lowest common demoninator in CPU families. The list of available
families supported by QEMU varies between releases, but is visible
# qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu help
Available CPUs:
x86 486
x86 Broadwell Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
x86 Skylake-Client Intel Core Processor (Skylake)
x86 Skylake-Client-IBRS Intel Core Processor (Skylake, IBRS)
x86 Skylake-Server Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake)
x86 Skylake-Server-IBRS Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake, IBRS)
The current PX62 line is based on the [Coffee Lake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_Lake) Intel
micro-architecture. The closest matching family would be
`Skylake-Server` or `Skylake-Server-IBRS`, [according to wikichip](https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/intel/microarchitectures/coffee_lake#Compiler_support).
Note that newer QEMU releases (4.2, currently in unstable) have more
supported features.
In that context, of course, supporting different CPU manufacturers
(say AMD vs Intel) is impractical: they will have totally different
families that are not compatible with each other. This will break live
migration, which can trigger crashes and problems in the migrated
virtual machines.
If there are problems live-migrating between machines, it is still
possible to "failover" (`gnt-instance failover` instead of `migrate`)
which shuts off the machine, fails over disks, and starts it on the
other side. That's not such of a big problem: we often need to reboot
the guests when we reboot the hosts anyways. But it does complicate
our work. Of course, it's also possible that live migrates work fine
if *no* `cpu_type` at all is specified in the cluster, but that needs
to be verified.
Nodes could also [grouped](http://docs.ganeti.org/ganeti/2.15/man/gnt-group.html) to limit (automated) live migration to a