In our configuration, the *Admin workstation*, *Database server*and
*Backup server* are all on the same machine, the `bacula::director`.
See the [introductio to Bacula]( for more information on those
@@ -91,6 +94,15 @@ Here we see that no backups are running, and the last ones succeeded correctly.
You can also check the status of individual clients with `status
The `messages` command shows the latest messages on the
`bconsole`. It's useful to run this command when you start your
session as it will flush the (usually quite long) buffer of
messages. That way the next time you call the command, you will only
see the result of your latest jobs.
Restore procedures
@@ -100,6 +112,11 @@ you want to restore from. As a given backup job is typically an
incremental job, you normally mean multiple jobs to restore to a given
point in time.
The first thing to know is that restores are done from the server to
the client, ie. they are restored directly on the machine that is
backed up. This means it can overwrite existing files and are
therefore pretty powerful.
A simple way of restoring a given client to a given point in time is
to use the option. So:
@@ -118,7 +135,8 @@ to use the option. So:
6. when done selecting files, call the `done` command
7. this will drop you in a confirmation dialog showing what will
happen. note the `Where` parameter which shows where the files
will be restored, on the server running the `bconsole` command.
will be restored, on the `RestoreClient`. Make sure that location
has enough space for the restore to complete.
8. this doesn't restore the backup immediately, but schedules a *job*
that does so, like such:
@@ -133,9 +151,12 @@ or `C` when still running or not started, and anything else if, well,
anything else is happening. The full list of possible statuses is
[hidden deep in the developer documentation](, obviously.
Once the job is done, rsync the files over the right server. This
requires the director to have enough space to host the files, of
The `messages` command also provides for a good way of showing the
latest status, although it will flood your terminal if it wasn't ran
for a long time. You can hit "enter" to see if there are new messages.
Once the job is done, the files will be present in the chosen location
(`Where`) on the given server (`RestoreClient`).
See the [upstream manual]( more information about the [restore