<h3id="orgb90836d"><spanclass="section-number-3">2.3</span> Tor Check</h3>
The primary contact for this service is the Metrics Team &lt;[metrics-team@lists.torproject.org](<ahref="mailto:metrics-team@lists.torproject.org">mailto:metrics-team@lists.torproject.org</a>)&gt;.
For urgent queries, contact <b>karsten</b>, <b>irl</b>, or <b>gaba</b> in [#tor-project](ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/tor-project).
The underlying infrastructure for the Onionoo service is provided by the
Tor Sysadmin Team (TSA). There are a number of HTTP caches
(<b>onionoo-frontend-\</b>.torproject.org*, currently running varnish)
that sit in front of a number of backends
(<b>onionoo-backend-\</b>.torproject.org*, running various Java compnents
described below).
The frontends are entirely managed by TSA. The frontends communicate
with the backends via IPsec tunnels managed by TSA.
The backend hosts are managed by TSA with the Onionoo services being managed
by Metrics Team. The Onionoo services get their data from the
"collector" service.
The backend are redundant and can survive outages, in those
Documentation questions:
<li>shorter than 72 hours: backends can self-heal</li>
<li>longer partial outage: as long as a backend remains, the other
backends can be restored from the remaining backend, although that
is a manual process.</li>
<li>longer total outage: if all backends go down for more than 72h,
data can still be recovered from collector, but that's another,
different manual process that still has to be implemented</li>
<liclass="off"><code>[ ]</code> How long do we keep old measurements in the exit list?</li>
<liclass="off"><code>[ ]</code> What are the timings for measurement runs?</li>
<liclass="off"><code>[ ]</code> How many old exit lists do we keep around?</li>
TorDNSEL is a DNS list service that behaves in a similar way to <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System-based_Blackhole_List">Domain Name System-based Blackhole Lists</a>.
IP addresses will give positive results in the event that an address has been found to be used by an exit relay in a recent scan.
The web server is contained in the WAR file, which is built from the
sources with:
Documentation questions:
ant war
<liclass="off"><code>[ ]</code> For how long does an address give a positive result?</li>
<liclass="off"><code>[ ]</code> Do we also include all IP addresses of exit flagged relays in the consensus?</li>
The primary contact for this service is the Metrics Team <<ahref="mailto:metrics-team@lists.torproject.org">metrics-team@lists.torproject.org</a>>.
For urgent queries, contact <b>karsten</b>, <b>irl</b>, or <b>gaba</b> in .