15. Mail: SMTP/Postfix, Mailman, ud-ldap, dovecot (on gitlab)
16. Printing: N/A
17. Monitoring: syslog-ng central host, no paging, Nagios,
Prometheus, Grafana
18. password management: pwstore
19. help desk: Trac (deprecated), GitLab, RT, email, IRC
20. backup services: bacula, postgresql hot sync
21. web services: Apache, Nginx, Varnish (deprecated), haproxy
22. documentation: ikiwiki, Trac wiki
23. datacenters: Hetzner cloud, Hetzner robot, Cymru, Sunet, Linaro,
Scaleway (deprecated)
Changes from current informal policy:
1. addition of Python/Fabric to adhoc tools and installer
2. addition gitlab to version control
1. figure out scope... list has grown big already
2. are server specs part of this list?
3. software raid?
## Examples
* all changes to servers should be performed through Puppet, as much
as possible...
* ... except for services not managed by TPA ("service admin stuff"),
which can be deployed by hand, Ansible, or any other tool
# Deadline
No deadline set yet, still drafting.
# Status
This proposal is currently in the `draft` state.
# References
Drafting this policy was inspired by the [limiting tool dev
choices](https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/sysadmin/LimitingToolDevChoices) blog post from [Chris Siebenmann](https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/) from the [University
of Toronto Computer Science department](https://www.cs.toronto.edu/).
The tool classification is a variation of the [infastructures.org](http://www.infrastructures.org/)
[checklist](http://www.infrastructures.org/bootstrap/checklist.shtml), with item 2 changed from "Gold Server" to "Operating
System". The naming change is rather dubious, but I felt that "Gold
Server" didn't really apply anymore in the context of configuration
management tools like Puppet (which is documented in item 13). Debian
is a fundamental tool at Tor and it feels critical to put it first and
ahead of everything else, because it's one thing that we rely on
heavily. It also *does* somewhat acts as a "Gold Server" in that it's
a static repository of binary code. We also do not have uniform