* [[jump host|tsa/doc/ssh-jump-host]]: `perdulce` or `peninsulare` on some hosts
* nagios: `hetzner-hel1-01.torproject.org`
* LDAP: `alberti`
* key services:
* git: <https://gitweb.torproject.org/>, or `git@git-rw.torproject.org` over SSH
* trac: <https://trac.torproject.org/> - issue tracking and project management
* RT: <https://rt.torproject.org/> - not really used by TSA yet
* spec: <https://spec.torproject.org/> - for a series of permalinks
to use everywhere, including especially `bugs.tpo/NNN`
* key mailing lists:
* <tor-project@lists.torproject.org> - Open list where anyone is welcome to watch but posting is moderated. Please favor using this when you can.
* <tor-internal@lists.torproject.org> - If something truly can't include the wider community then this is the spot.
* <tor-team@lists.torproject.org> - Exact same as tor-internal@ except that the list will accept email from non-members. If you need a cc when emailing a non-tor person then this is the place.
* <tor-employees@lists.torproject.org> - TPI staff mailing list
* <tor-meeting@lists.torproject.org> - for public meetings