@@ -1392,6 +1392,26 @@ We have custom configurations on top of that to:
There is work underway to refactor and automate the install better,
see [ticket 31239](https://bugs.torproject.org/31239) for details.
### storage
TODO: document how DRBD works in general, and how it's setup here in
See also the [DRBD documentation](howto/drbd).
The cymru cluster will also have access to a iSCSI NAS. We need to
figure out how that works. Some quick links:
*[search for iSCSI in the ganeti-devel mailing list](https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=ganeti-devel@googlegroups.com&q=iscsi&submit.x=0&submit.y=0)
* in particular a [discussion of integrating SANs into ganeti](https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?_escaped_fragment_=topic/ganeti/P7JU_0YGn9s)
seems to say "just do it manually" (paraphrasing) and [this
discussion has an actual implementation](https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?_escaped_fragment_=topic/ganeti/kkXFDgvg2rY), [gnt-storage-eql](https://github.com/atta/gnt-storage-eql)
* it could be implemented as an [external storage provider](https://github.com/ganeti/ganeti/wiki/External-Storage-Providers), see
the [documentation](http://docs.ganeti.org/ganeti/2.10/html/design-shared-storage.html)
* the DSA docs are in two parts: [iscsi](https://dsa.debian.org/howto/iscsi/) and [export-iscsi](https://dsa.debian.org/howto/export-iscsi/)
TODO: cross-ref this and the cymru docs.
## Issues
There is no issue tracker specifically for this project, [File][] or