Waiting for master to update torproject.org (for _acme-challenge.dip.torproject.org) from 2021021304. Currently at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
SOA nevii.torproject.org. hostmaster.torproject.org. 2021021305 10800 3600 1814400 3601 from server in 0 ms.
SOA nevii.torproject.org. hostmaster.torproject.org. 2021021304 10800 3600 1814400 3601 from server in 11 ms.
SOA nevii.torproject.org. hostmaster.torproject.org. 2021021305 10800 3600 1814400 3601 from server in 26 ms.
SOA nevii.torproject.org. hostmaster.torproject.org. 2021021305 10800 3600 1814400 3601 from server in 29 ms.
SOA nevii.torproject.org. hostmaster.torproject.org. 2021021305 10800 3600 1814400 3601 from server in 220 ms.
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
Waiting for master to update torproject.org (for _acme-challenge.gitlab.torproject.org) from 2021021304. Currently at 2021021305..
Waiting for secondaries to update to match master at 2021021305..
+ Responding to challenge for dip.torproject.org authorization...
+ Cleaning challenge tokens...
+ Challenge validation has failed :(
ERROR: Challenge is invalid! (returned: invalid) (result: ["type"] "dns-01"
["status"] "invalid"
["error","type"] "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:dns"
["error","detail"] "During secondary validation: DNS problem: query timed out looking up CAA for torproject.org"
["error","status"] 400
["error"] {"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:dns","detail":"During secondary validation: DNS problem: query timed out looking up CAA for torproject.org","status":400}
It's because the DNS challenge took too long to deploy and it was
refused. This is harmless: it will eventually succeed. Ignore the
message, or, if you want to make sure, run the cron job by hand: