*[salsa](https://manpages.debian.org/buster/devscripts/salsa.1.en.html)(in[Debian devscripts](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/devscripts)) is specifically built for
salsa but might be coerced into talking to other GitLab servers
GitLab upstream has a [list of third-party commandline tools](https://about.gitlab.com/partners/#cli-clients) that
is interesting as well.
### Migration tools
ahf implemente the gitlab using his own home-made tools that talk to
Note: [this article](https://news.purelymail.com/posts/blog/2019-06-21-deliverability-for-the-rest-of-us.html) has a good overview of deliverability issues
faced by autonomous providers, which we already face on eugeni, but