4. Fill in `Username`, `Full name` and `Email` fields
5. If `Set password now?` is left at `No`, a welcome email will be sent to the
email address
6. Select the appropriate roles in the `Edit permissions` table:
6. Select the appropriate [roles] in the `Edit permissions` table:
* For regular users who should be able to create and manage their own
surveys, select the checkboxes under the `Create` and `View/read` columns in
the `Permission to create surveys` row.
surveys, there is a role called 'Survey Creator' that have "Permission to create surveys (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete surveys from other users". Otherwise you can select the checkboxes under the `Create` and `View/read` columns in the `Permission to create surveys` row.
* For users that may want to edit or add themes, there is a role called 'Survey UXer' with permissions to create, edit or remove surveys as well as create or edit themes.
7. Please remind the new user to draft a data retention policy for their survey and add an expiration date to the surveys they create.