@@ -374,6 +374,32 @@ The user's `sudo` configuration is therefore critical and that
`sudoers` configuration could also be considered part of the static
mirror system.
Jenkins has SSH access to the `torwww` user in the static
infrastructure, so it can build and push websites, see below.
### Jenkins build jobs
Jenkins is used to build some websites and push them to the static
mirror infrastructure. The Jenkins jobs get triggered from `git-rw`
git hooks, and are (partially) defined in [jenkins/tools.git](https://gitweb.torproject.org/project/jenkins/tools.git/) and
[jenkins/jobs.git](https://gitweb.torproject.org/project/jenkins/jobs.git/). Those are fed into [jenkins-job-builder](https://docs.openstack.org/infra/jenkins-job-builder/) to
build the actual job. Those jobs actually build the site with hugo or
lektor and package an archive that is then fetched by the static
The [build scripts](https://gitweb.torproject.org/admin/static-builds.git/) are deployed on `staticiforme`, in the
`~torwww` home directory. Those get triggered through the
`~torwww/bin/ssh-wrap` program, hardcoded in
`/etc/ssh/userkeys/torwww`, which picks the right build job based on
the argument provided by the Jenkins job, for example:
@@ -508,6 +534,8 @@ powerful and provides a reasonably easy to deploy, high availability
service, at the cost of some level of obscurity, complexity, and high
disk space requirements.
### Replacing with GitLab and cache
It should be possible to replace parts or the entirety of the system
progressively, however. A few ideas:
@@ -539,6 +567,34 @@ Next steps:
scalable it actually is or if we'll need to run the cache frontend
in front of it
### Replacing Jenkins with GitLab CI as a builder
We currently use Jenkins to build some websites and push them to the
static mirror infrastructure, as documented above. To use GitLab CI
here, there are a few alternatives.
1. trigger Jenkins jobs from GitLab CI: there is [a GitLab plugin to
trigger Jenkins jobs](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/jenkins.html), but that doesn't actually replace
2. replace Jenkins by replicating the `ssh` pipeline: this involves
shipping the private SSH key as a [private environment
variable](https://gitlab.torproject.org/help/ci/variables/README#custom-environment-variables) which then is used by the runner to send the file and
trigger the build. this is seen as a too broad security issue
3. replace Jenkins by a web hook
The web hook, in particular, would run on "jobs" changes, and would
perform the following:
1. run as a (Python? [WSGI](https://docs.python.org/3/library/wsgiref.html#module-wsgiref.simple_server)?) web server (wrapped by Apache?)
2. listen to [webhooks from GitLab](https://gitlab.torproject.org/help/user/project/integrations/webhooks#pipeline-events), and only GitLab (ip allow list, in Apache?)
3. map given project to given static site component (or secret token?)
4. pull artifacts from job (do the equivalent to `wget` and `unzip`)
5.`rsync -c` into local static source (to avoid reseting timestamps)
6. triggers `static-update-component`
This would mean a new service, but would allow us to retire Jenkins
without rearchitecturing the entire static mirroring system.
## Cost
Staff, mostly. We expect a reduction in cost if we reduce the number