@@ -226,10 +226,38 @@ If it's not delegated, it's because you forgot step 8 in the zone
addition procedure. Ask your upstream or registrar to delegate the
zone and run the checks again.
# Design
# Discussion
## Design
This needs to be documented better. weasel made a [blog post](https://dsa.debian.org/dsablog/2014/The_Debian_DNS_universe/)
describing parts of the infrastructure on Debian.org, and that is
partly relevant to TPO as well.
TODO: adapt this document to the [service template](template).
## Automation
Debian has a [set of scripts](https://salsa.debian.org/dsa-team/mirror/dsa-misc/-/tree/master/scripts/dns-providers) to automate talking to some providers
like Netnod. A YAML file has metadata about the configuration, and
pushing changes is as simple as:
publish tor-dnsnode.yaml
That config file would look something like:
endpoint: https://dnsnodeapi.netnod.se/apiv3/
endcustomer: "TorProject"
# nevii.torproject.org
- ip: ""
tsig: "netnod-torproject-20180831."
- ip: "2a01:4f8:fff0:4f:266:37ff:fee9:5df8"
tsig: "netnod-torproject-20180831."
product: "probono-premium-anycast"
This is not currently in use at TPO and changes are operated manually