5. on the node, create and initialize a logical volume with the predetermined size:
lvcreate -L 20GiB -n chiwui-root vg_ganeti
qemu-img convert /srv/chiwui.torproject.org-root -O raw /dev/vg_ganeti/chiwui
lvcreate -L 4GiB -n chiwui-swap vg_ganeti
6. on the master, create the instance, adopting the LV:
gnt-instance add -t plain \
-n fsn-node-03 \
--disk 0:adopt=chiwui-root \
--disk 1:adopt=chiwui-swap \
--backend-parameters memory=2g,vcpus=2 \
--net 0:ip=pool,network=gnt-fsn \
--no-name-check \
--no-ip-check \
-o debootstrap+default \
7. cross your fingers and watch the party:
gnt-instance console chiwui.torproject.org
8. on this particular machine, boot hangs for a while on this console
[ *** ] A start job is running for dev-disk-by\x2duuid-484b5...26s / 1min 30s)
but strangely the machine eventually boots and `/etc/fstab` looks okay.
9. IP address change on new instance:
edit `/etc/network/interfaces` by hand and add IPv4 and IPv6
ip. IPv4 configuration can be found in:
gnt-instance show chiwui.torproject.org
Latter can be guessed by concatenating `2a01:4f8:fff0:4f::` and
the IPv6 local local address without `fe80::`. For example: a
link local address of `fe80::266:37ff:fe65:870f/64` should yield
the following configuration:
iface eth0 inet6 static
accept_ra 0
address 2a01:4f8:fff0:4f:266:37ff:fe65:870f/64
gateway 2a01:4f8:fff0:4f::1
Missing steps:
* functional tests
* shutdown original node
* switch DNS
* resync and reconvert image
* redo IP adress change
* start new instance
* decom old instance
@@ -255,6 +333,23 @@ References:
gnt-instance failover lully.debian.org
gnt-instance startup lully.debian.org
* [Riseup docs](https://we.riseup.net/riseup+tech/ganeti#move-an-instance-from-one-cluster-to-another-from-) suggest creating a VM without installing, shutting
down and then syncing
Ganeti [supports importing and exporting](http://docs.ganeti.org/ganeti/2.15/html/design-ovf-support.html?highlight=qcow) from the [Open
Virtualization Format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Virtualization_Format) (OVF), but unfortunately it [doesn't seem
libvirt supports *exporting* to OVF](https://forums.centos.org/viewtopic.php?t=49231). There's a [virt-convert](http://manpages.debian.org/virt-convert)
tool which can *import* OVF, but not the reverse. The [libguestfs](http://www.libguestfs.org/)
library also has a [converter](http://www.libguestfs.org/virt-v2v.1.html) but it also doesn't support
exporting to OVF or anything Ganeti can load directly.
So people have written [their own conversion tools](https://virtuallyhyper.com/2013/06/migrate-from-libvirt-kvm-to-virtualbox/) or [their own
We do not have documentation on how to do those imports yet, but
Riseup has [a section in their documentation](https://we.riseup.net/riseup+tech/ganeti#move-an-instance-from-one-cluster-to-another-from-) about this that we
might want to take a look at. The Ganeti manual also has a (very
short) section on [importing foreign instances](http://docs.ganeti.org/ganeti/2.15/html/admin.html#import-of-foreign-instances)