A common problem for non-profits that accept donations via Stripe is "card testing". Card testing is the practice of making small transactions with stolen credit card information to check that the card information is correct and the card is still working. Card testing impacts organizations negatively in several ways: in addition to the bad publicity of taking money from the victims of credit card theft, Stripe will automatically block transactions they deem to be suspicious or fraudulent. Stripe's automated fraud-blocking costs a very small amount of money per blocked transaction, when tens of thousands of transactions start getting blocked, tens of thousands of dollars can suddenly disappear. It's important for the safety of credit card theft victims and for the safety of the organization to crush card testing as fast as possible.
## Techniques
Most of the techniques used to stop card testing are also antithetical to Tor's mission. The general idea is that the more roadblocks you put in the way of a donation, the more likely it is that card testers will pick someone else to card test. These techniques usually result in blocking users of the tor network or tor browser, either as a primary or seide effect.
- Using cloudflare
- Forcing donors to create an account
- Unusable captchas
- Proof of work
However, we have identified some techniques that do work, with minimal impact to our legitimate donors.
- Rate limiting donations
- pre-emptively blocking IP ranges in firewalls
- Metrics
An example of rate limiting looks something like this: Allow users to make no more than 10 donation attempts in a day. If a user makes 5 failed attempts within 3 minutes, block them for a period of several days to a week. The trick here is to catch malicious users without losing donations from legitimate users who might just be bad at typing in their card details, or might be trying every card they have before they find one that works. This is where metrics and visualization comes in handy. If you can establish a pattern, you can find the culprits. For example: the IP range is making one attempt per minute, with a 99% failure rate. Now you've established that there's a card testing attack, and you can go into EMERGENCY CARD-TESTING LOCKDOWN MODE, throttling or disabling donations, and blocking IP ranges.
Blocking IP ranges is not a silver bullet. The standard is to block all non-residential Ip addresses; after all, why would a VPS IP address be donating to the Tor Project? It turns out that some people who like tor want to donate *over the tor network*, and their traffic will most likely be coming from VPS providers - not many people run exit nodes from their residential network. So while blocking all of Digital Ocean is a **bad idea**, it's less of a bad idea to block individual addresses. Card testers also occasionally use VPS providers that have lax abuse policies, but strict anti-tor/anti-exit policies; in these situations it's much more acceptable to block an entire AS, since it's extremely unlikely an exit node will get caught in the block.
As mentioned above, metrics are the biggest tool in the fight against card testing. Before you can do anything or even realize that you're being card tested, you'll need metrics. Metrics will let you identify card testers, or even let you know it's time to turn off donations before you get hit with a $10,000 from Stripe. Even if your card testing opponents are smart, and use wildly varying IP ranges from different autonomous systems, metrics will show you that you're having abnormally large/expensive amounts of blocked donations.